Saturday, June 29, 2024

A few unformed thoughts about the "Salvation Issue" Overture at Synod 2024

@tgrogan6049 The reason TLC ignores these verses and never ever discusses them is that they do not believe them.

@Pseudo_Boethius @tgrogan6049 - You are correct as usual. Sorry I've not responded sooner, but I was busy attending the funeral for the Biden Presidency, where there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth. Kind of strange attending a funeral where the deceased is still technically alive, but that's politics for you. It's shocking how a nominally "Christian" channel can have a majority of people who have no problem what-so-ever leaving huge chunks of the scriptures and Christian tradition on the cutting room floor as they spout positions and ideas that are in clear violation of longstanding church and biblical teachings. It's a bizarre that a conservative Jew like Jacob Faturechi and atheists like yourself often seems to have a better understanding of the NT and Christian culture than most of Christians who have professed to be Christians their entire lives. But here we are. The Joe Biden "Thursday Night Massacre" is indicative of the magical thinking that is charisteric of so many here in the TLC: if we just ignore the mountains of evidence that prove our ideas and perceptions are completely wrong, all will be good at the end of the day. We can say all the crap we like about Trump, but if someone dare mention that Biden has been suffering dementia for years, and is only getting worse, it's as if they were the speaking the greatest blasphemy. Now we have a JUNE Thursday night debate (A JUNE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE!!! SINCE WHEN DO WE HAVE DEBATES BEFORE THE CONVENTIONS???), and Joe's dementia is a clear as crystal, and is so bad not even the duplicitous progressive minions behind this evil charade can hide it any longer. The parallels between the Biden debacle and the TLC are striking, but not the least bit surprising. You can fool yourself, you can fool others, but at the end of the day, there is going to be a Day of Reckoning, and your foolish thinking will burn like the chaff it is, especially when you WERE GIVEN all the truth you need to live life according to God's plan. God is loving, merciful and compassionate, but even He has lines you do not cross if you want to find yourself in heaven at the end of this life, and he's quite EXPLICIT about what those lines are, and what happens to you when you cross them. Those verses and passages about judgment and punishment (and there are a TON of them) are just as critical to one's understanding of God as those that promise blessings fruitfulness. If the folks of TLC would just take the book of Ruth seriously, and understand the lessons within, they would fully understand and appreciate that the revenge of Mordecai is at hand, and there there is a lot more vegance to come. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’" You do not get to pick and choose what you want to believe in the realm of Christianity. If there are large sections of scripture and tradition that stand in opposition to what you personally believe, then let's not pretend you are a practicing Christian. I'm not talking about random denominational dogma and doctrines here, but the core teachings of the church that spans denominations and centuries.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Are We Enslaved to One Side of the Brain? - The Sickness of Modern Man

The amazing philosophy of Iain McGhilchrist. Our overly rational thinking is killing us.

Date posted to YouTube: Monday, April 22, 2024
Length: 22 minutes, 39 seconds

- Pseudo Boethius