Sunday, October 20, 2019

SCIENCE: Patrick Moore - The Power of Truth

One of the VERY BEST videos on the importance of TELLING THE TRUTH you will ever hear, especially when TELLING THE TRUTH goes against the 97% consensus.

2019-10-20 [P-B]

Saturday, October 19, 2019

SCIENCE: World In Midst of Carbon Drought

Yet another scientist busts the claim that rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are going to lead to run-away global warming. A "must watch" video on the science AGAINST global warming.

2019-10-20 [P-B]

Friday, September 27, 2019

HOW-TO: Sharpening an Axe

Stuff like this is ALWAYS good to know: how sharpen your ax!  

2019-09-27  [P-B]

FOOD: RAMEN SCHOOL #3 | How to Make Ramen Eggs

The most important part of making your own ramen soup at home: the eggs!

2019-09-27  [P-B]

HOW-TO: Rusted Axe Restoration..beyond restored.

I find these restoration videos on YouTube always fascinating.  It takes a LOT of work and tools to do this, and really is NOT worth the time and effort, but can be very rewarding.

2019-09-27  [P-B]

FOOD: How to Make Bone Broth in the Instant Pot or Slow Cooker

It's a pain to make your own soup stocks and broths, but the health benefits can be well worth it.  Here's a great video that shows you how to do it.   It's not hard at all, just time consuming.  

2019-09-27  [P-B]

Monday, August 12, 2019

ECONOMICS: Hayek’s "The Road to Serfdom" - Lawrence H. White

One of the most important books on economics and politics written in the past 100 years is Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom."  In this video, Lawrence White explains why

2019-08-12  [P-B]

NATURE: The Man-Eaters Of Tsavo - Full Documentary

Actual MAN EATING lions that liked the taste of humans!  A professional hunter was called in to take them out.  AMAZING STORY!

2019-08-12  [P-B]

FOOD: How to Fillet Fish

How to fillet a freshly caught walleye.  Always good to know.

2019-08-12  [P-B]

WAR: General Jim Mattis brings insight and clarity to the nature of war

An excellent interview with USMC General James Mattis, on the nature of war. 

2019-08-12  [P-B]

FIREARMS: M&P 380 Shield EZ

Hickock45's review of the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield EZ .380 ACP pistol, the most simple and straightforward semi-automatic piston one can buy.   For someone who needs a defensive firearm, this might be the best thing you can get.

2019-08-12  [P-B]

FIREARMS: Smith & Wesson M&P 380 Shield EZ Review

This is a very interesting firearm: Smith & Wesson designed a compact pistol that's truly easy to shoot and maintain, and has some very smart safety features as well.  For someone looking for an inexpensive, quality piece for self-defense, this might be just a best buy.

2019-08-12  [P-B]

Monday, July 22, 2019

SCIENCE: Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

EXCELLENT discussion of the core problem of Darwinian evolution: it doesn't add up.  Not in a theological sense, but a MATHEMATICAL sense.  In other words, evolution, as it's currently described in the science, is not, at all, scientific.  It violates a whole bunch of mathematical and statistical norms. 

An excellent discussion by three scientists who have all found that the underlying science under evolutionary theory is a bunch of bunk, scientifically speaking.

2019-07-22  [P-B]

Monday, July 15, 2019

CULTURE: Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace in 1958.

One of the greatest minds of the 20th century was that of Aldous Huxley.   Watch as he very accurately predicts, in 1958, the problems we are now facing in 2019. 

2019-07-15  [P-B]

Sunday, July 14, 2019

PHILOSOPHY: Uncommon Knowledge with David Berlinski on “The Deniable Darwin”

There is a very simple problem with Darwinian evolution: it makes no sense.  It simply can NOT happen the way scientists claim, it's literally impossible.  Philosopher David Berlinski is one of the few brave souls who can logically, rationally explain all the inherent contradictions in Darwinian evolution.

NOTE: This is not a religious refutation of of evolution, but a logical, scientific refutation.   And an incredibly good one.

2019-07-14  [P-B]

CHRISTIANITY: Ravi Zacharias | The Eric Metaxas Radio Show

One of the most interesting men in all of Christianity: Ravi Zacharias.

2019-07-14  [P-B]

Saturday, June 15, 2019


This is a lot of work, and somewhat dangerous, but well worth the effort!
2019-06-15  [P-B]

Sunday, June 2, 2019

PHILOSOPHY: Stephen Hicks: Postmodernism: Reprise

Stephen Hicks and Jordan Peterson talk about the problems of postmodernism.

2019-06-03  [P-B]


Christian near-death experiences are the best.   This guy had one of the most amazing experiences ever.

2019-06-03  [P-B]

WAR: Sam Elliott pays tribute to SGT Ray Lambert

The horrors of D-DAY, June 6, 1944.

2019-06-03  [P-B]

MUSIC: A Taste Of Honey - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass

One of the best bands of all time: Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass!

2019-06-03  [P-B]

MUSIC: Rhapsody In Blue (1945) – Rhapsody in Blue Debut

One of the greatest works in American music history, Ira Gershwin's masterpiece: "Rhapsody in Blue". 

2019-06-02  [P-B]

FOOD: Stuffed Peppers by the BBQ Pit Boys

Stuffed peppers, hold the rice!  I'd be willing to try this....

2019-06-02  [P-B]

FOOD: How To Make Shoyu Ramen At Home - Marion's Kitchen

Marion makes ramen the old fashioned way: with a home made broth!   This looks so yummy!

2019-06-02  [P-B]

PHOTOGRAPHY: Olympus OM-D E-M1X a 6 Month Real World Review

The new super camera from Olympus.   Just a mere $3,000....but worth it.

2019-06-02  [P-B]

NDE: Wonderfully Detailed NDE! Abraham, Jesus, and Heaven! Betty Cone

My favorite NDE's are when people get to meet Jesus and others during their time in heaven.   Betty had one amazing adventure!

2019-06-02  [P-B]

Saturday, May 25, 2019

SELF-LOVE: JOCKO WILLINK: Discipline = Freedom

The most important lesson you will ever hear.

2019-05-25  [P-B]

ECONOMICS: Thomas Sowell on the Origins of Economic Disparities

One of my most favorite economists.  He explains why there is now, and always has been, economic disparities in society.  ANY SOCIETY.   Yes, including socialist societies.  

2019-05-25  [P-B]

SELF-LOVE: Jordan Peterson Speech at the 2019 PragerU Summit

Jordan Peterson is amazed at his own popularity.   He's a surprisingly humble person.   In this speech he explains why his message of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY resonates so well at this time in history.

2019-05-25  [P-B]

ART: Disney Artist Laura Price follows a Bob Ross tutorial!

Nothing better on planet earth than a Bob Ross painting tutorial.  Laura Price, using Photoshop CC, tries to follow along with Bob, and does a pretty good job of it.

2019-05-25  [P-B]

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

JESUS: N.T. Wright on The Eric Metaxas Radio Show

Wow!  N.T. Wright -- one of the greatest living theologians....

"Esteemed New Testament scholar N. T. Wright explains how belief in the future resurrection moves us to being more fully engaged in the world, as opposed to viewing death as an escape into the afterlife. Then, Wright continues his conversation with Eric, expanding on the life and influence of one of the greatest early apostles with insights from his recent book, "Paul: A Biography.""

2019-05-23  [P-B]

KNIVES: Basic Knife Skills

Having a really good, sharp knife is one thing, how to use it is quite another.

2019-05-23  [P-B]

JESUS: Corrie ten Boom with Kathryn Kuhlman

Of all the women who have ever lived, Corrie Ten Boom is my favorite.

2019-05-22  [P-B]

JESUS: Love Jesus More Than You Love Anything

A technical discussion about the most important thing you can do while here on earth: love God.

2019-05-22  [P-B]

Monday, May 20, 2019


Listen to this video, and you will understand why Jordon Peterson is the king of YouTube.

2019-05-20  [P-B]

FOOD: Broccoli soup

Gordon Ramsay shows us how easy it is to make broccoli soup.

2019-05-20  [P-B]

FOOD: Dicing an Onion by Chef Jean Pierre

How to dice an onion, the French way!  Always good to know....

2019-05-20  [P-B]

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Thursday, May 9, 2019

BOOKS: The Last True Hermit

"Christopher Knight spent 27 years in the woods of Maine alone, never speaking a word to anyone. He survived by breaking into the homes of the town residents nearby, stealing their supplies. When he was finally captured, he told his story to journalist and author Michael Finkel, who joins The Agenda in the Summer to discuss the legend of the North Pond Hermit."

Sunday, April 28, 2019

CULTURE: The Witch-hunt Culture - Sir Roger Scruton

One of the most intelligent are articulate men on planet earth at this time: Sir Roger Scruton talks about left-wing attacks on "thought crimes," which Roger correctly calls a witch hunt.   Except the militant enforcement of politically correct speech is far worse, in moral terms, than the old practice of witch burning. 

2019-04-28  [P-B]

CULTURE: The Abortion Argument

This young man is somewhat alarmed at the "anytime, anywhere" abortion laws that are being rapidly implemented by many left-leaning states.   He makes some good points.

2019-04-28  [P-B]

CULTURE: How Anti Racism Hurts Black People - John McWhorter

Do black people and the media use RACISM to further their political agenda, and ignore the EXACT SAME CRIMES when committed against whites?   You better believe it.

2019-04-28  [P-B]

MUSIC: Steely Dan: "Reelin' In The Years"

Such a groovin' toon....and some awesome guitar riffs.

2019-04-28  [P-B]

MUSIC: "I've Seen All Good People"

Another great, iconic song from the 70's.

2019-04-28  [P-B]

MUSIC: Earth, Wind & Fire - "Shining Star"

I never, ever get tired of this song.

2019-04-28  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Romantics - "What I Like About You"

Perhaps one of the greatest rock songs ever recorded.  

2019-04-28  [P-B]

MUSIC: Billy Thorpe - "Children of the Sun"

One of the greatest one-hit-wonders of the 70's: Billy Thorpe's "Children of the Sun"

Billy Thorpe

"Children of the Sun"


Rock & Roll

No more gravity, nothing holding them down

Floating endlessly, as their ship leaves the ground

Thru the walls of time - at the speed of light

Fly the crystal ships on their celestial flight

On their celestial flight.

2019-04-28  [P-B]

MUSIC: Boston - "Foreplay / Long Time"

One of the most iconic rock songs of the 70's, and the best intro to a song ever recorded.  Boston's "Long Time".


"Long Time"


Rock & Roll: Hard Rock

Well, I'm takin' my time, I'm just movin' on
You'll forget about me after I've been gone
And I take what I find, I don't want no more
It's just outside of your front door

2019-04-28  [P-B]

MUSIC: YES - "Roundabout"

WOW!  A 1972 performance of the band YES doing their greatest hit "Roundabout".

2019-04-28  [P-B]

MUSIC: Lake Street Dive - 'Lola'

Oh my, this is REALLY good....

2019-04-28  [P-B]

TANKS: Tank Warfare in World War II

The importance of tanks in WWII, according to VDH.

2019-04-28  [P-B]

Saturday, April 27, 2019

FOOD: Bread & Butter Pickles

One of my all time favorite snacks: bread & butter pickles!  This video shows you how to make them from scratch.

2019-04-28  [P-B]

Friday, April 26, 2019

HIKING: Survival Gear for Hiking

What to bring with you on a hike....this guy covers all the bases.

2019-04-26  [P-B]

Thursday, April 25, 2019

NDE: Stephanie Arnold & Tricia Barker - Two Veridical Near-Death Experiences

Stephanie Arnold & Tricia Barker - Two Veridical Near-Death Experiences, 2017 IANDS Conference

In a veridical NDE, an experiencer reports having perceived things that are later verified as accurate. These cases are especially compelling when the person perceived something that they could not have perceived physically, considering the position and/or condition of their physical body, when what they perceived was something they did not anticipate or actually contradicted their expectations; and when their perception was verified by a credible third party. This panel will begin with a brief summary of the 2016 book The Self Does Not Die, which contains over 100 cases of NDEs with veridical perception verified by credible third parties, mostly physicians. Then two NDErs whose cases did not appear in the book will describe their NDEs and aftereffects with particular emphasis on veridical aspects of their experiences. Among the aftereffects they will discuss are they knowledge that humans are worthwhile, divine, and loved more than we could ever imagine, a sense of enhanced connectedness to all of nature, and the ability to use knowledge and light from the angels and God to guide acts of service and even a career of service. They will conclude with ways that audience members can more frequently use messages from angels and God to help heal and to participate in the healing of others.

Stephanie Arnold's web site:
Tricia Barker's web site:
Janice Holden's web site:

For more information on near-death experiences, visit
For information about IANDS conferences, visit

2019-04-25  [P-B]

NDE: Neil Helm - The Effects of Near-Death Experiences on Religious and Spiri...

Yes, there is real, hard science research into near death experiences, and Neil Helm is one of the lead researchers.  And he's an NDE experiencer himself.

2019-04-25  [P-B]

SELF-LOVE: Jocko Podcast 174 w/ Echo Charles: Set Standards. Become an Eminently Qu...

On becoming a human being.

2019-04-25  [P-B]

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

FOOD: How To Make a Cassoulet step by step | French Cooking academy visit sout...

I would love to make something like this.....

2019-04-23  [P-B]

MUSIC: How Computers Ruined Rock Music

Sadly, Rick Beato is right: computers have killed rock music....almost....

2019-04-23  [P-B]

JAPAN: Why Many Japanese Women Work in Prostitution

Prostitution is illegal in Japan.   But there are hundreds of thousands of prostitutes.

2019-04-23  [P-B]

JAPAN: Japan Is Dying: All Work, No Sex Means No Future

The horrible situation of the slow death of the Japanese.   No kidding.

2019-04-23  [P-B]

MUSIC: Bobby Darin - "Mack the Knife"

I absolutely love this song, and I love Bobby Darin. 

2019-04-23  [P-B]

NDE: Woman meets guardian angel in NDE. Same angel visits family.

This is one INCREDIBLE story....have your box of tissues handy! 

2019-04-23  [P-B]

FIREARMS: Bond Arms Snake Slayer

A gun designed to kill dangerous snakes.  No kidding.

2019-04-23  [P-B]

WAR: Jocko Podcast 80 with Echo Charles - Musashi, "The Book of Five Rings"

Just Jocko, Echo Charles, and Musashi's book of Five Rings.

2019-04-23  [P-B]

SELF-LOVE: Jocko Podcast 100 w/ Tim Ferriss - Musashi. Warrior Code and Life

Jocko, Echo Charles, Tim Ferriss, and Musashi.   It doesn't get any better than this.

2019-04-23  [P-B]

Monday, April 22, 2019

JAPAN: 6 Reasons Why The Japanese Aren't Having Babies

This is very sad....the Japanese are not interested in reproducing.   Eventually, there will be quite a population decline on the Japanese islands, leading to a very, very bad situation. 

2019-04-22  [P-B]

Sunday, April 21, 2019

PHYSICS: The Mystery at the Bottom of Physics

The important bedrock truths of physics.

2019-04-22  [P-B]

MUSIC: What’s Wrong With American Idol? (and The Voice)

I've grown extremely tired of all the singing/talent shows on TV.   Rick Beato and friends explain why this is happening to many of us. 

2019-04-21  [P-B]

SELF-LOVE: The Origins of Jocko Willink's Discipline - Jocko Willink

Jocko Willink's explanation of how he found out that discipline equals freedom.

2019-04-21  [P-B]


Talk about a one man band: Rick Beato recreates AC/DC's "Back in Black" all by himself, seriously.

2019-04-21  [P-B]


There's heaven, and then there is hell.  Choose one. 

2019-04-21  [P-B]

MUSIC: Leonid & Friends: "September"

This song definitely does NOT need more cowbell, it has more than enough.

2019-04-21  [P-B]

MUSIC: George Benson: "On Broadway" - Phenomenal Live Version

One of the greatest musicians playing one of the greatest songs of American History: George Benson playing his smash hit "On Broadway". 

2019-04-21  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Mighty Untouchables: "I Feel For You"

WOW!!!  These guys are awesome!

2019-04-21  [P-B]

MUSIC: Live From Daryl's House - "Footloose"

Let's get footloose and fancy free.....

2019-04-21  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Doobie Brothers: "Listen to the Music"

People.  Some are happy, some are sad.  Just listen to the music....

2019-04-21  [P-B]

KNIVES: Martin Yan Chop bell peppers like a champion

I wish I had 10% of the knife skills of Martin Yan.  Incredible. 

2019-04-21  [P-B]

MUSIC: What Makes This Song Great? Ep.43 LED ZEPPELIN

Hard to believe that Led Zeppelin's smash hit "Whole Lotta Love" is fifty years old, and still sounds absolutely amazing.   Rick Beato breaks the song down for us. 

2019-04-21  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Honeydrippers: 'Good Rockin' At Midnight'

Have you heard the news?  There's good rockin' at midnight....

2019-04-21  [P-B]

MUSIC: Led Zeppelin: "Houses of the Holy"

Let me take you to the movies, can I take you to the show?

2019-04-21  [P-B]

KNIVES: How To Sharpen Nakiri

Every knife will have a day where it needs to be sharpened.  This video shows how to sharpen a Dalstrong Nakiri knife on a wet stone. 

2019-04-21  [P-B]

FILM: Ferris Bueller's Parade

THIS.  Just because.  Ferris can do anything. 

2019-04-21  [P-B]

MUSIC: Robert Plant: "Jailhouse Rock"

Yes, even Robert Plant enjoys his secret, inner Elvis impersonator.  Does a really great job too!

2019-04-21  [P-B]

MUSIC: DREAD ZEPPELIN: "Brick Houses Of The Holy"

Lionel Ritchie (via The Commodores), Led Zeppelin, and Elvis all rolled into one.   This is just too much fun! 

2019-04-21  [P-B]

FIREARMS: M1A Scout Squad Rifle Range 2

This is a 1950's era rifle, still being manufactured by Springfield Armory.  And it's very accurate, and very powerful. 

2019-04-21  [P-B]

Saturday, April 20, 2019

FIREARMS: Springfield M1A Scout Squad Rifle

Probably the best scout rifle for sale today: the Springfield M1A "Scout Squad" rifle.  A real beauty.

2019-04-20  [P-B]

FIREARMS: Rethinking the Scout Rifle... Again

A scout rifle is just a general purpose gun, usually chambered in .308 Winchester.  It's basically a short barreled dear rifle to make it easier to carry and use. 

2019-04-20  [P-B]

SCIENCE: Proof that more CO2 is better.

Sadly but truthfully, all the moaning and wailing about there being too much CO2 in the climate, and that we are all GOING TO DIE due to GLOBAL WARMING is a total lie.   The simple truth is that CO2 greatly benefits plants, and the more CO2 they get, the better they grow.  There have been literally thousands upon thousands of peer reviewed studies that proves this beyond any shadow of doubt.  By the way, the absolute minimum amount of CO2 needed to sustain photosynthesis is 200 ppm.  Anything below that, and ALL PLANTS DIE.

So keep that in mind when the Chicken Littles weep and moan about too much CO2 in the atmosphere.  If plants and trees could talk, they would be telling us, very loudly, to pump all the CO2 we can into the atmosphere, because they greatly benefit from it.

Also, do keep in mind that there is absolutely no direct evidence that CO2 warms the climate.  All the "evidence" comes from highly corrupt computer models, not direct observation or measurement.   There are a large variety of factors that causes the earth to warm and cool, but CO2 plays nearly no role at all in any of it.

Just FYI....

PHYSICS: Leonard Susskind on The World As Hologram

Yes, our reality is just a hologram....

2019-04-20  [P-B]

Friday, April 19, 2019

WAR: Jocko Podcast 173 w/ Ron Shurer, Medal Of Honor Recipient

We may not be soldiers, but many of us can relate to fighting "up hill battles."

2019-04-20  [P-B]

NDE: Episode 113 Pastor John Burke talks NDEs in Scripture

I read John Burke's book "Imagine Heaven."  Good read, and interesting guy!

2019-04-19  [P-B]

KNIVES: How to Use a Chinese Cleaver Knife

A Chinese woman shows how easy it is to use a Chinese cleaver for just about everything.

2019-04-19  [P-B]

FOOD: Chicken Piccata a velvety zingy lemon butter

I think I will start a collection of chicken piccata recipes.

2019-04-19  [P-B]

POLITICS: Victor Davis Hanson: Mueller Probe Could Backfire

VDH makes the case that now that the Mueller report has been made public, showing that there was absolutely no evidence what-so-ever that Russia and Trump were "colluding" with each other, there will most likely be some very serious backlash.

2019-04-19  [P-B]

NDE: Howard Storm NDE Must Listen!

I never get tired of listening to Howard Storm's near death experience.  Even when the interviewer keeps calling him Howard Smart!   Well, he's certainly a very smart guy.

2019-04-19  [P-B]

KNIVES: Martin Yan: "How to cut up variety of vegetables"

Martin Yan has the best knife skills I've ever seen.  And all he's uses is a Wusthof (made in Soligen, Germany!) cleaver.  This guy is just incredible.

2019-04-19  [P-B]

KNIVES: Tojiro F-631 Chinese cleaver chopping veg for stock

How using a CLEAVER can really speed up prepping for a meal!

2019-04-19  [P-B]

FILM: Actor Christopher Lee Was A Real Life Badass

A person who's real life was far more interesting than any of the roles he played.

2019-04-19  [P-B]

Sunday, April 14, 2019

KNIVES: Chris Cosentino - "How To Bone a Chicken" (Shun Honesuki Knife)

How to bone a chicken with a rather unusual Japanese "Honesuki" knife made by Shun.

2019-04-14  [P-B]

NDE: Imagine Heaven #NDE John Burke - Sozo Talk Radio

Sozo Talk Radio interviews John Burke, the author of the book "Imagine Heaven", an anthology of NDE stories about heaven and hell.

2019-04-14  [P-B]

NDE: 3 Angels - Near Death Experience - John Barnicoat

A near dearth experience (NDE) where Alcoholics Anonymous plays a role!

2019-04-14  [P-B]

BOETHIUS: Boethius' Philosophy Of Happiness And False Happiness

We think of happiness as just "happiness", but Boethius knew that there is a significant difference between the quality of happiness.

2019-04-14  [P-B]

KNIVES: Using a bread knife with Chris Cosentino and Shun Classic

Yes, even a bread knife requires proper technique.  True story: the ONLY time I cut myself with a knife so bad that it required stitches, was when I was cutting a bagel.  

2019-04-14  [P-B]

FOOD: Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates How To Make Fish & Chips

One of my most favorite dishes: boring old "fish & chips."  

2019-04-14  [P-B]

FOOD: Slow-Roasted Pork Belly - Gordon Ramsay

One of the most succulent of foods: slow roasted pork belly.  Gordon shows you how to do it.

2019-04-14  [P-B]

FIREARMS: Ruger SP101 On the Range Review

An excellent, detailed review of the Ruger SP101 revolver, shooting .38 special +P.

2019-04-14  [P-B]

FIREARMS: Dave Spaulding on the Ruger SP101

Why Dave Spaulding thinks the Ruger SP101 is the best snub-nosed revolver on the market.

2019-04-14  [P-B]

Saturday, April 13, 2019

KNIVES: Gordon Ramsay: "How to Part a Chicken"

The best video I've found on butchering a chicken. 

2019-04-14  [P-B]

KNIVES: Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates How to Dice, Julienne & Baton Peppers

One thing I love about Gordon Ramsay, is that he really knows how to use his knives!

2019-04-14  [P-B]

KNIVES: Chris Cosentino: How to Use the Shun Hiro Santoku Knife

I have the Shun Classic Santoku, the Hiro is even better in some ways, but an Shun Santoku knife is going to be an amazing addition to your kitchen cutlery collection.

2019-04-14  [P-B]

MUSIC: Steely Dan: "Do It Again"

One of the iconic songs of the 1970's, Steely Dan's "Do It Again".

In the mornin' you go gunnin' for the man who stole your water
And you fire till he is done in but they catch you at the border
And the mourners are all singin' as they drag you by your feet
But the hangman isn't hangin' and they put you on the street.

2019-04-14  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Quadraphones: "Just the Two of Us"

What a find!  An all-girl four saxaphone jazz band, that is just amazing!

2019-04-14  [P-B]

KNIVES: How Kyocera Resharpens a Ceramic Knife

If you have a Kyocera ceramic knife, and after about 20 years of use it should actually become dull, just send it in to Kyocera for a free resharpening.  They don't mention it in the video, but those tools he's using to sharpen the knives are diamond encrusted, and would cost you a significant chunk of change to buy the same tools for your own use. 

2019-04-14  [P-B]

KNIVES: Yaxell Dragon Fusion Chef's Knife Review and Cut Test

I was surprised that Amy from "Amy Learns to Cook" was able to get herself the Yaxell Dragon Fusion Chef's knife!  In this video, she explains what makes this Japanese knife so very special.

Amy also explains why a $150 knife might be a really good investment for your personal health and well kidding....

Here's a link to Cutlery & More if you would like to buy one for yourself: Yaxell Dragon Fusion Chef's Knife

2019-04-13  [P-B]

KNIVES: Yaxell Dragon Fusion Nakiri Cut Demo

The Yaxell Dragon Fusion Nakiri knife is really a combination of the standard chef knife, a Japanese Nakiri, and a Chinese cleaver.  If you like to chop, this $150 knife could be your best friend.   This knife, like all good Japanese knives, is made by Yaxell in Seki City, Japan. 

2019-04-13  [P-B]

ECONOMICS: Milton Friedman - Whats wrong with welfare?

One of the best kept secrets of the social sciences is the incredible destruction that has been wrought by the introduction of the welfare state in the 1960's in America.   Milton Friedman explains why. 

2019-04-13  [P-B]

FOOD: If I could only cook one dish for the rest of my life...

Yep, the Asian noodle soups are the BEST thing that you can learn to cook.

2019-04-13  [P-B]

FIREARMS: Ruger SP101 .357 Magnum: A 1000 Round Review

The Ruger SP101 is a tough, heavy little revolver.  It's built like a tank.  Here's a review of the gun after 1,000 round have been put through it.

2019-04-13  [P-B]

FIREARMS: Smith & Wesson J-frame Vs Ruger LCR

The two most popular conceal carry revolvers in the universe: the S&W J-Frame and the Ruger LCR.  Which is best?  They are both excellent, but it really depends on why you like.

2019-04-13  [P-B]

FIREARMS: Jerry Miculek- "If you could only have 3 guns..."

Jerry Miculek talks about the three most important firearms he could not live with out:

1. S&W 5" .357 magnum revolver

2. .22 LR rifle

3. 12 gauge shot gun

2019-04-13  [P-B]

ECONOMICS: Milton Friedman - "The Great Depression Myth"

One of the great myths we've been told about American history is that the Great Depression was a failure of capitalism.  But that's a total lie: the Great Depression was 90% the fault of the Federal Reserve Bank, then greatly compounded by absolutely horrible economic policies implemented by FDR.   "Never let a crisis go to waste."

2019-04-13  [P-B]

MUSIC: Led Zeppelin : "In My Time Of Dying"

Strange but true: Led Zeppelin's best recording were when they were covering old Southern blues tunes that the world had forgotten about.  This is the best demonstration of how they took the Delta blues and brought it into the modern era.

In my time of dying, want nobody to mourn 
All I want for you to do is take my body home 
Well, well, well, so I can die easy

2019-04-13  [P-B]

KNIVES: Sharpening a Ceramic Knife

It is NEVER recommended that you ever try to sharpen a ceramic knife, it's always best to send the knife back to the manufacturer for sharpening.  But if you really want to try it at home, this video will show you how.

2019-04-13  [P-B]

KNIVES: CHEF KNIFE BATTLE! The Ceramic vs the Folded Steel!

One of the best kept secrets in the world of kitchen knives is the Kyocera 5" Santoku CERAMIC blade knife, about $40 to $50 each.   In this video, a professional chef Paul compares his 5" Kyocera knife to his $700 steel chef's knife.

2019-04-13  [P-B]

KNIVES: Chef's Knife vs. Santoku Knife

A fairly good video explaining the difference between the French style chef knife that almost everyone has as their primary kitchen knife, and the Japanese Santoku, which is gaining increasing popularity in America and the West.  

2019-04-13  [P-B]

MUSIC: Dread Zeppelin - "When the Levee Breaks"

Dread Zeppelin does their Elvis/Reggae version of Led Zep's famous rendition of "When the Levee Breaks".  

When you're tryin' to find your way home
You don't know which way to go?
If you're goin' down South
They got no work to do,
If you don't know about Chicago.

2019-04-13  [P-B]

MUSIC: Dread Zeppelin - "Heartbreaker"

My #1 favorite music video of all time: Dread Zeppelin's "Heartbreaker".

2019-04-13  [P-B]

Friday, April 12, 2019

SELF-LOVE: The Power of Vulnerability

This is really good.  Many thanks to Tricia Barker for pointing out this video on her YouTube channel.

2019-04-13  [P-B]

FOOD: Chicken Piccata Recipe

A fairly simple but extremely tasty chicken dish that's fairly easy to make: Chicken Piccata!

2019-04-13  [P-B]

KNIVES: The Ultimate Nakiri Showdown

The knife they use to cut up veggies in Japan: the Nakiri.  But which one is the best?

2019-04-13  [P-B]

FIREARMS: FN FAL review with Jerry Miculek

The greatest battle rifle ever made: the Fusil Automatique Leger.   Competition shooter Jerry Miculek takes one out for a spin. 
2019-04-12  [P-B]

MUSIC: Dread Zeppelin : "HeartBreaker"

Dread Zeppelin is the greatest band that no one has ever heard of.  Just listen to their rendition of Led Zep's "Heartbreaker" to understand why. 

2019-04-12  [P-B]

LITERATURE - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

One of the greatest authors in the history of literature.  Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

2019-04-12  [P-B]

KNIVES: Knife Skill Fundamentals and Japanese Peeling

Asian cultures like Japan and China have developed some of the best knife techniques known to man.  These skills make food prep more fun, efficient and safe.

2019-04-12  [P-B]

KNIVES: Jamie Oliver's Knife Skills

It doesn't do any good having a great knife unless you know how to PROPERLY use it.

2019-04-12  [P-B]

PSYCH: Why Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs Matters

The second most famous pyramid in history: Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs".

2019-04-12  [P-B]

KNIVES: $20 WhetStone vs $150 Shapton Glass Whetstones

What do you REALLY need to sharpen a knife to perfection???  Sharpening stones can be very expensive, up to $100 per their a more economical alternative?

2019-04-12  [P-B]

TRAVEL: Tokyo Capsule Hotel Experience

Who needs a whole room anyway?  Sleeping in a capsule is so much better....

2019-04-12  [P-B]

KNIVES: Japanese Knife & Sword City: Seki Experience ★ ONLY in JAPAN

The greatest center of high quality knives on planet Earth: Seki City, Japan.

2019-04-12  [P-B]

FOOD: How to Brew Coffee in a Chemex

This is very important information to know!

2019-04-12  [P-B]

Thursday, April 11, 2019

SELF-LOVE: How To Get Over the Feeling of Being UNWORTHY

We're not worthy!  We're not worthy!   Oh, wait a minute....

2019-04-11  [P-B]

MUSIC: Prince, Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne and others: "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"

This is such an AWESOME song, even without George Harrison. Wait for Prince's amazing guitar solo at the end.

2019-04-11  [P-B]

MUSIC: Doobie Brothers "Long Train Running"

Without love, where would you be now?

2019-04-11  [P-B]

MUISC: Santana: "Evil Ways"

You've got to change your evil ways....yes you do.....

2019-04-11  [P-B]

MUSIC: Steely Dan: "Reelin' In The Years"

This is what used to pass for popular music.  Sigh....

2019-04-11  [P-B]

MUISC: America: "Ventura Highway"

Purple rain long before Prince...

Chewing on a piece of grass
Walking down the road
Tell me, how long you gonna stay here, Joe?
Some people say this town don't look good in snow
You don't care, I know

2019-04-11  [P-B]

MUSIC: Croby, Stills & Nash: "Marrakesh Express"

All aboard the Marrakesh Express!!!

2019-04-11  [P-B]

MUSIC: Crosby, Stills & Nash: "Carry On"

Less we forget, this is what real music used to sound like.

2019-04-11  [P-B]

MUSIC: Crosby, Stills & Nash: "Love the One You're With"

If you can't be with the one you love....

2019-04-11  [P-B]

MUSIC: Crosby, Stills, Nash : "Judy Blue Eyes"

One of the many wonderful songs by Crosby, Stills & Nash.  

2019-04-11  [P-B]

Sunday, April 7, 2019

FIREARMS: Henry Color Case Hardened 357 Mag Lever Action Review

A good old-fashioned .357 magnum lever-action rifle.

2019-04-07  [P-B]

Cutting the Hangman's Rope with a Bullet| Gun Myths with Jerry Miculek (...

Can you cut a hangman's noose with a firearm?  We'll find out....

2019-04-07  [P-B]

SELF-LOVE: I Found Myself in Hell. The Reason Why Will Surprise You.

"Laurie Ditto says God allowed her to experience the sure realities of Hell because satan wants people to think…otherwise.

"Laurie Ditto’s visions of Heaven and Hell were meant as a wake-up call for us all! Laurie’s unplanned but vibrant glimpses of Heaven put her life in sudden focus. Today she shares from her Kingdom experiences and shows how Life in Heaven is THE model for believers on earth. Laurie says “Thy Kingdom come” has both purpose and power. Pursue it with expectation!

"But God had something more for Laurie, including a round trip journey to Hell and back. Her assignment is to tell you what you don’t want to hear — she saw relatives and believers in torment. Laurie even understood her own stubborn unforgiveness was enough to cost her for eternity. Laurie says there is an afterlife you NEVER want to experience...."

2019-04-07 [P-B]

FOOD: Detroit-Style Pizza - Food Wishes

A very interesting take on pan style pizza from Detroit!

2019-04-07  [P-B]

PHILOSOPHY: Why Socrates Hated Democracy

"No democracy for me, please." - Socrates.

2019-04-07  [P-B]

KNIVES: Chris Cosentino - How to Use the Shun Classic Nakiri Knife

The perfect knife for vegetarians to prep their food: the Japanese "nakiri"

2019-04-07  [P-B]

KNIVES: How to Sharpen a Hatchet or Axe to a Scary Sharp Edge!

A little something different: how to sharpen your hatchet.

2019-04-07  [P-B]


This is just fascinating.  Empaths are always the victims and the doormats of the world.

2019-04-07  [P-B]

Sunday, March 31, 2019

GEOLOGY: Geology 1 (The Science of Geology)

It's always a good thing to develop a deeper understanding of this rock we live on.

2019-04-01  [P-B]

TRAVEL: Over Wyoming

The greatest state in the union: Wyoming.

2019-04-01  [P-B]


"Jocko Willink is a retired Navy SEAL officer and author of the #1 New York Times and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling book “Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALS Lead and Win”
"He spent 20 years in the Navy SEALs where he rose to become the commander of Task Unit Bruiser, the most highly decorated Special Operations Unit of the Iraq War where he was awarded both the Silver and Bronze Star.
"In this special documentary short film, Jocko explains the different dynamics of war, and what the real consequences of war can do to a human being and an entire population."

2019-03-31  [P-B]

KNIVES: Audra Draper: Master Bladesmith

"As a young woman, Audra Draper used her work ethic and ambition to break into a field dominated by “crusty old men”, and became the first female Master Bladesmith accredited by the American Bladesmith Society. Her efforts helped pave the way for other women to chase their dreams of knife making."

2019-03-31  [P-B]

PHILOSOPHY: Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down

Yes, we are quickly becoming a nation of dumb sheep, and our educational institutions and media are leading the charge to make us even more stupid.

2019-03-31  [P-B]

PHILOSOPHY: The Benefits of Reading Great Books

The incredible importance of reading GREAT book!

2019-03-31  [P-B]

MUSIC: "Led Zeppelin" : The Song Remains the Same

"Anything I wanted to know, any place I needed to go..."

One of the greatest Led Zeppelin songs ever recorded.  They would open their concerts with this tune, from their "Houses of the Holy" album.   It's quite the jam!

2019-03-31  [P-B]

RELIGION: The Vortex — ‘Gay Priests Are Okay’

How homosexuals use the Catholic Church to prey upon young men.  It's pretty disturbing.   Even more disturbing is how often the Catholic hierarchy knew what was going on, and did nothing about it.

2019-03-31  [P-B]

Saturday, March 30, 2019

PHILOSOPHY: Victor D. Hanson: Why Democrats have to be Deceptive

Why the Left is filled with lying sacks of shit.   No kidding.

2019-03-30  [P-B]

PHILOSOPHY: Sir Roger Scruton: How to Be a Conservative

One of the greatest philosophers of our time: Roger Scruton. 

2019-03-30  [P-B]

PHILOSOPHY: Roger Scruton on Christianity v Islam

There are some VERY DIFFERENT ideas about God and religion in Christianity and Islam.  Very different indeed.   Roger Scruton explains what those differences are, and how they are not able to be reconciled.

2019-03-30  [P-B]

COMMEDY: Jackie's Lecture At Oxford University Part 1

One of the greatest comic geniuses ever: Jackie Mason at Oxford U.

2019-03-30  [P-B]

PHILOSOPHY: Jordan Peterson: The Story of Christ is the Foundation of Western Culture

Honestly, the best 10 minutes and 23 seconds on YouTube.  Jordan explains why Christianity is so critically important to Western Civilization, and why it can NOT be replaced.

2019-03-30  [P-B]

PHILOSOPHY: Roger Scruton: Why Intellectuals are Mostly Left

Why left-wing ideas are so attractive to "intellectuals".  

2019-03-30  [P-B]

Monday, March 25, 2019

NDE: Pegi Robinson’s NDE’s Part I

Children are sent here to be loved.  That's why God sends them here.

2019-03-26  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Doobie Brothers - "Black Water"

Mississippi Moon won't you keep shining on me....

2019-03-26  [P-B]

MUSIC: Earth, Wind & Fire: "September"

It's time to turn the funk up to 11.  One of the funkiest songs ever recorded.

2019-03-26  [P-B]

MUSIC: Blood, Sweat & Tears: "You've made me so very happy"

Lovin' you is where it's at!
2019-03-26  [P-B]

MUSIC: Blood, Sweat & Tears: "And When I Die"

I'm not scared of dying, and I don't really care....

2019-03-26  [P-B]

MUSIC: Blood, Sweat & Tears: "God bless the Child-Blood"

One of the most beautiful songs ever recorded.  God bless the child that's got his own.

2019-03-26  [P-B]

MUSIC: Blood Sweat & Tears: "Spinning Wheel"

What goes up must come down.....

2019-03-26  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Association: "Along Comes Mary" (Remastered Version)

They were almost as good as the Beatles and the Beach Boys.  A wonderful high quality version of their famous song "Along Comes Mary". 

2019-03-26  [P-B]

MUSIC: Andrews Sisters - Three Little Fishes

At one time in American history, EVERYONE knew this great little novelty tune.  Here's the wonderful "Three Little Fishes" by the Andrew Sisters. 

2019-03-25  [P-B]

SCIENCE: An introduction to Geology

It all begins with rocks.  Literally.

2019-03-25  [P-B]

MUSIC: Gloria Jones Tainted Love Original 1964-5

One of the most covered singles ever, here's the original in all it's glory.

2019-03-25  [P-B]

MUSIC: Oliver: "Good Morning Starshine"

For all you wanna-be hippies out there.

2019-03-25  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Association - Windy - 1967

Everyone knows it's Windy! 

2019-03-25  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Association - Along Comes Mary

Everything was better in the 60's.  Especially the music.

2019-03-25  [P-B]

TV: What's My Line? - Carol Burnett; Buddy Hackett [panel] (Feb 16, 1964)

Carol Burnett comes on at the 14:00 minute mark.  Worth watching!

2019-03-25  [P-B]

MUSIC: Good Vibrations - The Fendertones

The most difficult pop song to cover properly: the Beachboy's "Good Vibrations"...but these boys do a fantastic job!

2019-03-25  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Fendertones - Sloop John B

This is too good NOT to share!  Even though it might be the worst trip ever.

2019-03-25  [P-B]

FOOD: Scott Rao's V60 Method for coffee brewing

The best way to make pour-over coffee.  The old fashioned way! 

2019-03-25  [P-B]

Saturday, March 16, 2019

POLITICS: Qanon March 16 2019 - Promises Soon to be Kept

Is colluding with foreign governments to overthrow a sitting president of the United States an act of treason?  Yeah, it probably is.

2019-03-17  [P-B]

TANKS: Should We Have Tank Destroyers?

There were tanks that were developed during WWII who's only real purpose was to go out and kill other tanks.  (Though, in reality, they did a whole lot more.....)

2019-03-16  [P-B]

SELF-LOVE: Jesus: The Ultimate Empath

Why empaths feel very connected to Jesus, but not religion.  You are not alone.

2019-03-16  [P-B]

COMMEDY: Groucho Marx Roasts Johnny Carson

One of the funniest men who ever lived: Groucho Marx.

2019-03-16  [P-B]

DANCE: Jumpin Jive - Cab Calloway and the Nicholas Brothers

The greatest dance sequence ever filmed.

2019-03-16  [P-B]

SCIENCE: The Surprising Future of Steam Power | Robert Green | TEDxMissionViejo

It might sound goofy, but his idea of using multiple small steam engines to power communities does make some very good sense.

2019-03-16  [P-B]

SCIENCE: Making Safe Nuclear Power from Thorium | Thomas Jam Pedersen | TEDxCopen...

The answer is not wind or solar, but E=mc2.

2019-03-16  [P-B]

TANKS: Depleted Uranium Tank Ammunition | DEADLY DARTS ��☄️

A good use for nuclear waste:  anti-tank ammunition!

2019-03-16  [P-B]

SELF-LOVE: Astral Hacking Through the Chakras

"There's a glitch in the to get rid of it....."

2019-03-16  [P-B]

SELF LOVE: 4 Ways Empaths F*ck Themselves

More incredible wisdom from Amanda.  The wisest person on YouTube.

2019-03-16  [P-B]

SCIENCE: Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia

Because, they don't provide enough or the right kind of power, first of all....and they have their own environmental issues that are tough to ignore.
2019-03-26  [P-B]

Monday, March 11, 2019

POLITICS: Lance Wallnau on The Eric Metaxas Show

The incomparable Lance Wallnau on the Eric Metaxas Show.   One of the most interesting and fascinating people I've ever come across. 

2019-03-12  [P-B]

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Saturday, March 9, 2019

MUSIC: John Coltrane My Favorite Things (1961) [Full album]

If this album doesn't lift your spirits, nothing will. 

2019-03-10  [P-B]

MUSIC: Head Hunters | Herbie Hancock | 1973 | Full Album

Super Duper Ultra Mega Funk from the funkmaster himself: Herbie Hancock.

This album was incredibly revolutionary when it hit the stores way back when.

2019-03-10  [P-B]

MUSIC: Tower of Power 40th Anniversary Concert

One of the GREATEST concert videos on YouTube: Tower of Power's 40th anniversary concert.  You will not be disappointed.

2019-03-10  [P-B]

MUSIC: Astrud Gilberto and her Quartet at the North Sea Jazz Festival

One of the greatest jazz singers of the 20th century: Astrud Gilberto. 

2019-03-10  [P-B]

MUSIC: Peter Gunn Theme by Henry Mancini

This is SO good!  Who new Qatar had such an awesome band?
2019-03-09  [P-B]

MUSIC: Johnny Horton - Sink the Bismarck with lyrics

SINK THE BISMARCK!!!  What a great song!
2019-03-09  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Traveling Wilburys - End Of The Line

I never get tired of this tune, never.

2019-03-09  [P-B]

MUSIC: Marty Robbins "El Paso" 1959 with Lyrics

One of the most iconic western songs ever sung, by the incomparable Marty Robbins.

2019-03-09  [P-B]

MUSIC: Mischa Maisky plays Bach Cello Suite No.1 in G (full)

One of the most beautiful things you will ever hear. 

2019-03-09  [P-B]

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Saturday, February 16, 2019

TRAINS: Biggest CAT Locomotive: The SD70ACe

Caterpillar buys up companies that "fit" it's desire to dominate certain industries, and the people at Caterpillar have been working hard to completely dominate the mining and energy production sectors.   If you have ever been stuck by a train with 100+ cars loaded with coal, or a very long train consisting entirely of tank cars, you might have an idea of how important diesel locomotives are to mining and energy, hence Caterpillar bought out the diesel engine maker EMD, who makes the mighty SD70ACe.  The are still known as EMD, which stands for Electro-Motive Diesel. 

In this video, you learn all about EMD's most powerful and popular locomotive, used by railroads all over North America and various other countries. 

2019-02-16  [P-B]

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

SELF-LOVE: Criticism when you've had a bad childhood

How to handle criticism when you've been subject to it your entire life.

2019-02-12  [P-B]

CULTURE: Jonathan Roth - Civil War Coming to America?

Many people are wondering if there will be a new Civil War in America.  If there is going to be one, it will be much like the Spanish Civil War, where the "Republicans" vs the Democrat/Marxist/Socialists. 

Monday, February 11, 2019

CULTURE: Victor Davis Hanson on The Fate of the West, Trump, and The Resistance |...

One of the most incredible pundits on the condition of Western Civilization I've ever heard.  Enjoy listening to the wisdom of Victor David Hanson.

2019-02-12  [P-B]

PHILOSOPHY: Harvard Talk: Postmodernism & the Mask of Compassion

A wonderful demonstration on how people HATE those who speak the truth.

2019-02-12  [P-B]

FOOD: How to Make Soft Boiled Eggs | It's Only Food w/Chef John Politte

Yet another video on how to cook soft boiled eggs.   Simple, but important knowledge!

2019-02-12  [P-B]

FOOD: The Perfect Soft Boiled Egg, Simplified

Important information to know: how to make the PERFECT soft boiled egg!

2019-02-12  [P-B]

NDE: Tony Wood : Meeting the Light

One of the best near-death experience videos EVER. 

2019-02-12  [P-B]

TRAINS: Top Gear - Jezza caught in a Tornado

Some absolutely beautiful footage of the British steam locomotive "Tornado" zooming through the British countryside. 

2019-02-11  [P-B]

PHILOSOPHY: Jordan Peterson: Why You Have To Fight Postmodernism

Two of the most evil ideologies ever developed by man are Marxism and it's stepchild Postmodernism.   Jordan Peterson explains why we have to fight against them.

2019-02-11  [P-B]

NDE: Churchill’s Near Death Experiences…Did God Save Him? Dick Morris TV: Lun...

Did Winston Churchill have one or more near-death experiences?  Dick Morris goes through the life and time of Winston Churchill.

2019-02-11  [P-B]

JAPAN: Top 10 Social Issues in Japan (2019)

It's a wonderful country, but they have some surprisingly HUGE problems that are hurting the country.

2019-02-11  [P-B]

PHILOSOPHY: Stephen Hicks: How Failed Marxist Predictions Led to the Postmodern Left

Sadly, people do not understand the evil underpinnings of socialism/communism, and how countries who adapt those sort of policies, end up enslaving their own citizens.  Stephen Hicks explains how Marxism has evolved into post-modernism. 

2019-02-11  [P-B]

PHILOSOPHY: Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism | Jordan B Peterson

Peterson explains how the neo-Marxists of today are a product of post-modernism.

2019-02-11  [P-B]

FOOD: Shakshuka - Eggs Poached in Spicy Tomato Pepper Sauce

An amazing take on the North African classic dish: SHAKSHUKA!!!!

2019-02-11  [P-B]

ANIMALS: Dog keeps its eye on the 11th floor apartment..

The stray dog that only likes children.

2019-02-11  [P-B]

Sunday, February 10, 2019

SELF-LOVE: "I've Been Faking A Lot"

The EVIL side of social media.  Seonkyoung Longest explains how she has been dealing with depression due to lots of negative comments on her YouTube cooking shows. 

2019-02-11  [P-B]

TELEPATHY: Violent cat Mio changes after communing with an animal communicator

Helping a violent cat to calm down.

2019-02-11  [P-B]

TELEPATHY: Scared Bullied Horse - Session with Energy Healer & Animal Communicator

A horse that would rather be isolated and by herself.  Then Jen Snow comes along to help the horse understand that she is loved and wanted. 

2019-02-11  [P-B]

TELEPATHY: Animal Communication 101 - Animal Telepathy

How to talk to the animals.

2019-02-10  [P-B]

TELEPATHY: LYDIA HIBY, Animal Communicator: Velvet the Very Old Horse

Well, at least this horse likes to pose for pictures!

2019-02-10  [P-B]

Saturday, February 9, 2019

TELEPATHY: Animal Communicator Sharon Loy

Sharon Loy, animal communicator.  The communication gift she has allows her to communicate with animals using telepathy.  It's no joke or witchcraft, some people just have this ability. 

2019-02-10  [P-B]

NDE: Eben Alexander: A Neurosurgeon's Journey through the Afterlife

Eben Alexander has one of the most incredible NDE stories you will ever hear:  he died when E. Coli bacteria literally ate his brain and nervous system!   He should NOT be alive at all, but I'll let me tell you his story.

2019-02-10  [P-B]

FOOD: How to make Vietnamese Pho Bo

Ultimate Asian comfort food: Vietnamese Pho

2019-02-10  [P-B]

MUSIC: Massed Pipes & Drums parade through Deeside town to start the Ballater H...

This is really cool.

2019-02-10  [P-B]

MUSIC: Sade Live In Las Vegas Full Concert

I don't know how this got on YouTube, but I'm glad it's there!  A full concert featuring the greatest jazz singer of our age: Sade.

2019-02-10  [P-B]

SELF-LOVE: Oprah Winfrey talks with Thich Nhat Hanh

One of the most famous of Asian buddhist monks: Thich Nhat Hanh.  This is a very good introduction to the man and his teachings.

2019-02-09  [P-B]

SELF-LOVE: Making Friends With Your Self Through Loving-Kindness & Compassionate At...

Perhaps the greatest teacher of buddhism in North America: Pema Chodron.  Here she talks about how to love yourself.

2019-02-09  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Monkees - Last Train To Clarksville

My choice for the best of the Monkee's' songs: The Last Train to Clarksville. 

2019-02-09  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Monkees - Daydream Believer

Another iconic song from the mid 60's: Daydream Believer.

2019-02-09  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Seekers - Georgy Girl (1967 - Stereo)

Back when music was intrinsically beautiful. 

2019-02-09  [P-B]

MUSIC: The Seekers - I'll Never Find Another You

This song from 1965 is far, far better than anything from any band put out in the first twenty years of the 20th century.   The Seekers!

2019-02-09  [P-B]

MUSIC: John Denver & Cass Elliot - Leaving On A Jet Plane

One of the greatest superstars of the 1970's was a guy named John Denver.  Here he is singing a song with "Momma Cass" Elliot.   Great stuff!

2019-02-09  [P-B]

MUSIC: Toto - Africa

The 1980's were absolutely FILLED with songs and music that have become iconic since that time.   One of those songs is this tune by a band named Toto.

2019-02-09  [P-B]

MUSIC: Marty Robbins: "El Paso"

One of the most iconic songs of the "western" musical genre.  Marty Robbin's supremely beautiful song "El Paso". 

2019-02-09  [P-B]

RELAX: Sleep Bomber : Sound of a B-17 Airplane Engine - 8 Hrs Long

Yes, eight hours of the drone of the four-engined B-17 bomber.  It is relaxing in a strange sort of way.

2019-02-09  [P-B]

Sunday, February 3, 2019

TRAINS: MRL Laurel-Missoula stalls on Mullan Pass

This happens quite often:  a freight train stalls on a grade in Montana, and has to wait for helpers to come get over the mountain! 

2019-02-03  [P-B]

CULTURE: Japan's Baby Drain

One of the saddest things ever.....a school with hardly any students.

2019-02-03  [P-B]

TRAINS: How Russian locomotive class L works.

They love steam trains even in Russia!

2019-02-03  [P-B]

TRAINS: [Indian Rail]Nilgiri Mountain Railway

India has some of the most colorful and interesting trains in the world.

2019-02-03  [P-B]

MUSIC: Waylon tells the story about the death of Buddy Holly!!

The true story of the death of Buddy Holly.

2019-02-03  [P-B]

TRRS 477: "Whoops!" CSX Freight Train Stalls on Grade

What happens when the train is too heavy to make it up the hill.....

2019-02-03  [P-B]

Near Death Experience- what I learned

My Near Death Experience

Saturday, February 2, 2019

NDE: #1712 The Reality of Peace: Bible through ❤️ of Near Death Experience. ❤️

One of the best sermons I've ever heard.

2019-02-02  [P-B]

FOOD: PERFECT Soft Boiled Eggs - Instant Pot

How to make SOFT boiled eggs in an Instant Pot.

2019-02-02  [P-B]

FOOD: FRIES & THIGHS | Japanese: Chicken Miso Ramen Recipe

Chicken MISO Ramen soup!   Why not?

2019-02-02  [P-B]

FOOD: The EASIEST Bread EVER! Crunchy, No Knead Recipe.

One of the best ways to make bread from scratch.  NO KNEAD BREAD!

2019-02-02  [P-B]

FOOD: Instant Pot Miso Ramen Noodle Soup

Another Instant Pot recipe for Ramen, this time using Miso as a base, rather than pork. 

2019-02-02  [P-B]

PYSCH: How to overcome Childhood Emotional Neglect

This video has a lot of views, because it's such a common topic, sadly.

2019-02-02  [P-B]

FOOD: MISO RAMEN NOODLES - Instant Pot & Joule Sous Vide

Making Ramen soup with a Instant Pot!   Even with that special kitchen appliance, it still took her two days to perfect this recipe. 

2019-02-02  [P-B]

FOOD: How To Make Real Tonkotsu Ramen

Yep, another recipe for making Ramen soup from scratch! 
2019-02-02  [P-B]

FOOD: The BEST Ramen Recipe! Traditional Shoyu Ramen

My main goal for 2019: make my own Ramen soups. 

2019-02-02  [P-B]

FOOD: USS Toledo Sub Chef

What it's like being a chef....on a submarine....

2019-02-02  [P-B]

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

NDE: God of Miracles (Near Death Experience)

Christians seem to always have the BEST near-death experiences!   Diana's experience is just beautiful, though she really went through hell her on earth before she got to experience a bit of heaven. 

2019-01-29  [P-B]