Thursday, January 31, 2019
KNIVES: Shun Classic Chef's Knife Demonstration with Chris Consentino
How to PROPERLY and SAFELY use a high quality chef's knife.
2019-01-31 [P-B]
TRAINS: Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Part 1
Yep, they still run steam engines on this little line in India!
2019-01-31 [P-B]
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
NDE: Heaven Is Beautiful: My Near Death Experience by Rev. Peter Panagore
Short. Sweet. Beautiful.
2019-01-31 [P-B]
TRAINS: Is this the world's most dangerous commute? - BBC News
This is beyond belief....
2019-01-31 [P-B]
SCIENCE: Animation of Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking)
How it's done, and why it's very safe and effective.
2019-01-30 [P-B]
SCIENCE: Shale cowboys: fracking under Trump - Docu - 2017
This is why the USA no longer imports ANY oil from ANYONE. We are now a NET EXPORTER of oil, all thanks to fracking and Donald J. Trump.
2019-01-30 [P-B]
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
NDE: God of Miracles (Near Death Experience)
Christians seem to always have the BEST near-death experiences! Diana's experience is just beautiful, though she really went through hell her on earth before she got to experience a bit of heaven.
2019-01-29 [P-B]
Wow! A real life "turn or burn" testimony, from a former Satan worshipper, who has also had an NDE, and has met Jesus in person. This is short, but very powerful.
2019-01-29 [P-B]
Sunday, January 27, 2019
POLITICS: THE LAST PRESIDENT | What a 127 yr old book reveals about Donald Trump, ...
It seems as if Donald Trump's presidency has been foretold a long time ago....
2019-01-27 [P-B]
NDE: Life After Death Experience (NDE) with Steve Gardipee, Vietnam War Story...
You would think that there might be a few veterans who have had near-death experiences, and you would be right. Here's a guy who died during the Vietnam War, and how it effected him.
2019-01-27 [P-B]
TRAINS: How To Fire a Full-Size Coal-Burning Steam Locomotive [4K]
What I truly believe is the BEST job in the world: being a fireman on a full sized steam locomotive. They are responsible for the most important job on a steam engine: making sure the fire burns hot, and the water is always in the boiler.
2019-01-27 [P-B]
NDE: Inner Guidance and your ever unfolding purpose
The importance of your inner guide, as explained by someone who has had an NDE.
2019-01-27 [P-B]
TRAINS: UP 844: how it operates
A quick explanation of how a steam locomotive works, and all that goes into running one. It is a very complex machine.
2019-01-27 [P-B]
RELIGION: Once Saved Always Saved? I went to the Outer Darkness (Hell) for unfaith...
Yes, hell is real. Some of us have experienced it. Believe me, do WHATEVER YOU CAN to avoid going there, because it's far, far worse than you would ever believe.
2019-01-27 [P-B]
TRAINS: UP 844 Highball @ 75mph
I could watch this all day long. Union Pacific #844, a "Northern" type steam locomotive, doing 75 mph between Denver and Cheyenne. What an amazing sight!
2019-01-27 [P-B]
Jordan Peterson tells us what he had to do to get his life together. Some very good life lessons here, for those who have the ears to hear.
2019-01-27 [P-B]
TRAINS: India`s Largest Steam Loco smokes rapidly & departs Kharagpur
Every where trains are, there are lovers of steam engines, even in India.
2019-01-27 [P-B]
NDE: Robert Kopecky - Near Death Experience
An audio interview with Robert Kopecky, who has had THREE near death experiences!
2019-01-27 [P-B]
NDE: Beyond Coma - the "Place of Prayers"
This beautiful young lady had her FIRST stroke at age 11. She has a testimony of life and death that is really worth listening to.
2019-01-27 [P-B]
PSYCH: 'Mysticism, Spirit and the Shadow' - Jordan Peterson interview part 1
The connection between consciousness and being. Really good stuff!
2019-01-27 [P-B]
PSYCH: Shadow Work Explained - Jungian Psychology - Carl Jung
The core of Jungian psychology: the integration of your SHADOW self.
2019-01-27 [P-B]
TRAINS: Indias Frontier Railways - The Last Train in Nepal
What might be the poorest, saddest train line in the entire world. A small, 20 mile narrow gauge line between India and Nepal.
2019-01-27 [P-B]
NDE: Howard Storm - The Plan (2019)
My favorite near-death experiencer, Howard Storm. Howard met Jesus face-to-face in his death, and shares what Jesus told him.
He also shares what many people who pursue a spiritual life come to realize, that there really are not many people who are truly open to spiritual things, maybe one out of a hundred. He's certainly not the first person to notice this, but it needs to be said.
He also talks about the MOST IMPORTANT activity a person can engage in: prayer. It really does work!
2019-01-27 [P-B]
TRAINS: Worlds largest diesel locomotive on the Cheyenne turntable DD40X 6936.
The largest diesel ever made for railroad use gets turned on the largest turntable ever made for railroad use: a Union Pacific DD40X in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
SCIENCE: The Engine That Powers the World
The most important technology BY FAR of the 21st Century was actually developed in the later days of the 19th: the diesel engine.
2019-01-27 [P-B]
SCIENCE: How to Make Petrol or Gas from Crude Oil.
How to take Texas crude oil, and turn it into something that powers cars and trucks. It's all about heat.
2019-01-27 [P-B]
MUSIC: Sade - No Ordinary Love (Live 2011)
One of the greatest jazz artists of all time: SADE
2019-01-27 [P-B]
Thursday, January 24, 2019
NDE: Peter Panagore "How Dying Taught Me that Death is Just the Beginning"
Peter has a REALLY interesting story to share. Highly recommended.
2019-01-24 [P-B]
SELF-LOVE: Japan's modern-day hermits: The world of hikikomori
The saddest thing on earth.
2019-01-24 [P-B]
SELF-LOVE: I attempted suicide and ThIs IS WHAT GOD SAiD TO ME
I guess God doesn't like suicide. I don't blame him.
2019-01-24 [P-B]
Monday, January 21, 2019
TRAINS: Steam Engine SP4449 passing thru Morton Grove, IL, Sunday, 8/2/09
Believe it or not, I was actually riding in this very train that someone was able to video as it went through Morton Grove! I was either in the Super Dome, or the observation car at the time.
2019-01-21 [P-B]
Milwaukee Road,
Morton Grove,
Southern Pacific,
NDE: Been To Hell - Lived To Tell - Thanks To Jesus Christ !
This wonderful man had an amazing experience of the emptiness of hell, and while in hell, he realize the truth of Jesus Christ. He's has quite a story!
2019-01-21 [P-B]
Sunday, January 20, 2019
SELF-LOVE: Astral Hack The Program (For Real Change)
Amanda shares some incredible wisdom about strongholds in our life.
2019-01-20 [P-B]
A video interview with Akiane Kramarik at age 15. She talks about her art and her spirituality, and explains how she is just a follower of God, and not of any particular religion.
2019-01-20 [P-B]
NDE: Physicians Assistant who died during child birth!
I find near death experiences that involve doctors and scientists to be incredibly interesting. Krista Gorman is a physician's assistant that nearly died in child birth. Well, she did die, but only for a few minutes before they were able to revive her. Her story is amazing, and the lessons she has to share will be beneficial to everyone.
2019-01-20 [P-B]
NDE: Ana Christina "Murdered by Poisoning"
The very first time I've come across a video of a near-death experience from someone who was murdered! But yes, Ana was murdered, and she has had a very hard life, but none-the-less, she considers the day that she was murdered the best day of her life! Listen and be amazed.
2019-01-20 [P-B]
Saturday, January 19, 2019
TRAINS: Tornado 101.6mph run 15th May 2017 Prt2
Running a steam engine at 100+ mph in the UK, in 2017. It's a lot harder than you would think, but this crew did it! Wow!
2019-01-20 [P-B]
FOOD: Japanology Plus Ramen (NHK Documentary)
The secret to good Japanese ramen: fat & chewy noodles. We think of Japanese being rice & fish eaters, but they love noodles as much as the Italians and Chinese.
2019-01-20 [P-B]
FOOD: Japanology Plus - Soba Restaurants
I've often heard of Japanese soba noodles, and see them in the "Asian" section of the super markets, but I really never understood why they are so important to Japan. Well, I found this video, and all my questions have been answered.
2019-01-20 [P-B]
TRAINS: How to Make Easy Hills & Mountains for Model Train Layouts
Making mountains and hills for your model railroad or diorama, using QUILT BUNTING. No kidding! It works surprisingly well.
2019-01-19 [P-B]
KNIVES: How to Sharpen a Knife: Beginners Tutorial
Sharpening a knife on a stone isn't as hard as you think. Here's a very simple tutorial on how to do it.
2019-01-19 [P-B]
POLITICS: Mic'd Up – The Pope and the Homomafia.
The greatest agent provocateur of the 21st century: Milo Yiannopoulos. Mic'd Up is a show produced by the militantly Catholic "Church Militant" organization, which is very conservative. So why would they have an openly gay man on their show? Well, when Milo was a young lad in England, he was in a homosexual--and very inappropriate--with a Catholic priest, and is very open how this relationship changed his life. Sadly, the "celibate" single male club of the catholic hierarchy has become infiltrated with homosexual predators who are using the church as cover for their lifestyle. The evidence for this is overwhelming, and Milo is one of those who is sounding the alarm about this horrendous state of affairs in the world's largest Christian church. He's hated because he, as an openly gay man, is telling the world that there is a lot of darkness in the gay lifestyle that the gay community does not want to be public information.
2019-01-19 [P-B]
NDE: How Our Perceptions Add Meaning to our Life.
If a tree falls in the forest......
2019-01-19 [P-B]
TRAINS: The Day After Christmas - Winter Steam on the Durango and Silverton
To understand why people love trains so much, watch just a few minutes of this Durango & Silverton "Polar Express" zoom through the Colorado countryside. You have not lived until you've ridden on a steam train through the mountains.
2019-01-19 [P-B]
TRAINS: End of the Line
A beautiful documentary about the end of steam in Canada, which took place about 1960 to 1962. The photography, sound and editing are superb. Even someone who could care less about trains will enjoy this documentary.
2019-01-19 [P-B]
TRAINS: This is the most incredible "portable" train layout ever.
In Japan, there is rarely any space for a train layout, even a very small one. So they have very clever ways of making portable layouts that are easy to store when the train space is needed. Sadly, no buildings or scenery, but it's all about the model trains anyway, right?
2019-01-19 [P-B]
TRAINS: C-SPAN Cities Tour - Cheyenne: Big Boy Steam Engine Renovation
One of the largest steam locomotives in history was the Union Pacific "Big Boy", which were built and delivered during WWII, and were put to immediate use hauling huge trains over the steeps hills of southern Wyoming, on the original Transcontinental railroad. I believe they operated between Cheyenne Wyoming and Ogden, Utah. The engines are HUGE, I've stood next to one of the few survivors that is housed in Green Bay, Wisconsin....what an experience!
Well, the Union Pacific decided to take one of the last few survivors, and return it to active service! The Big Boys were all retired in 1959, so if they get one up and running in 2019, it will have been 60 YEARS since from it's last run. They are doing a complete overhaul on the entire locomotive. It will be better than new once they are done.
Here's hoping that we can see Big Boy #4014 back in service soon!
2019-01-19 [P-B]
TRAINS: Model Railroading in Japan!
It's quite amazing how the hobby of model railroading is a world-wide phenomena, especially in those countries that have fairly advanced railway systems. Here is a video of a Japanese model railway, 6 feet by 9 feet, done in N scale. This is a very LARGE layout by Japanese standards! I have no idea what they are talking about, but the owner of this layout has done a wonderful job showcasing the trains of modern day Japan in miniature.
2019-01-19 [P-B]
Thursday, January 17, 2019
POLITICS: Milo Yiannopoulos Interview with Eric Metaxas
The most provocative person in Western Civilization. He's not going away....
2019-01-17 [P-B]
MUSIC: Johnny Cash and Shel Silverstein singing "A Boy Named Sue"
The most amazing mash-up ever: Johny Cash and Shel Silverstein. The two of them sing the famous song that Shel wrote for Johnny: "A Boy Named Sue."
2019-01-17 [P-B]
Johny Cash,
Shel Silverstein,
NDE: Wow ,an Atheist has a near death experience
This is quite the experience! What happens when an atheist dies....
[2019-01-17 P-B]
Monday, January 14, 2019
NDE: Episode 22 NYT Bestseller Betty J Eadie on We Don't Die Radio Show
One of the original NDE celebrities, who wrote one of the most famous near-death experience books ever: "Embraced by the Light". She's done more to teach and expand on the subject than anyone else.
2019-01-14 [P-B]
NDE: 286 Leo Galland MD "Already Here"
What happens when you start seeing visions of your dead son? You pay attention to what he has to say....
2019-01-14 [P-B]
Sunday, January 13, 2019
NDE: Man Collapsed and Died , Met Jesus and asked to come back
Sometimes, Jesus gives you a choice if you want to go back or not.
2019-01-14 [P-B]
Heart Healing (The Key to Quantum Jumping) FB LIVE Excerpt
The path to abundance lies directly in our ability to heal. We all know this, but how do we do it? Amanda has some ideas....
2019-01-14 [P-B]
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Monday, January 7, 2019
HISTORY: Development of the British Tank Arm, 1918-1939
An excellent overview of British tanks and tactics between the world wars. Believe it or not, it was the BRITISH who developed the idea of the "Blitzkrieg", long before Germany thought of it.
2019-01-07 [P-B]
SELF LOVE: Happiness Tips #2: Radical Forgiveness w/Robert Kopecky
Happiness Tip #2: Radical Forgiveness
2019-01-07 [P-B]
SELF LOVE: Happiness Tips #1: Radical Kindness w/ Robert Kopecky
Happiness Tip #1: RADICAL KINDNESS
2019-01-07 [P-B]
Saturday, January 5, 2019
NDE: "How to Survive Life (and Death)" with Robert Kopecky, Namaste Bookshop,...
This is a long video, but is FILLED with tremendous wisdom. Robert Kopecky has had THREE near-death experiences, all three being quite different from each other. What he has learned from those experiences he graciously shares with us.
2019-01-06 [P-B]
Friday, January 4, 2019
CULTURE: Stephen Hicks - Explaining Postmodernism In 2018
Stephen Hicks explains the neo-marxist take over of the humanities in major universities, known as post-modernism. He explains the movement, and it's implications.
2019-01-05 [P-B]
NDE: PART 2: A deeper look into the hell I experienced
Joe Hadwin has more to share about his experience in hell, and goes into more detail.
2019-01-04 [P-B]
NDE: I died from heart attack,went to hell and Jesus saved me
Another person who was shown the reality of hell, and was allowed to come back to report what he felt and experienced.
2019-01-04 [P-B]
THEOLOGY: 1973 The End Times Vision by David Wilkerson FULL
The most famous end-times vision of modern times. It's very sad how much of this is now starting to come to pass.
2019-01-04 [P-B]
THEOLOGY: Escape From Hell: Ex Radical Muslim Testimony
The truth about how Muslims views Christians, from an ex-Muslim. (They are not exactly crazy about Jews either....)
2019-01-04 [P-B]
It's easy to forget that as many people go to hell in near-death experiences than to heaven. It's a very important thing to keep in mind. Once saved always saved? Nope.
2019-01-04 [P-B]
FOOD: How to Smooth Rough Cast Iron - Remove Pre Seasoning on Cast Iron for No...
How to make a Lodge cast iron pan a whole lot better.
2019-01-04 [P-B]
Thursday, January 3, 2019
SELF LOVE: What My NDE Taught Me About Self-Love
The most important video Tricia Barker has ever made.
2019-01-04 [P-B]
NDE: Robert Kopecky IANDS 2018
Tricia Barker interviews Robert Kopecky, who has had a near-death experience three times! He never took his experiences very seriously, until he started taking up meditation, and then he started realizing the significance of what happened to him.
2019-01-03 [P-B]
NDE: Near-Death Experience, Never Ending Lessons from an NDE
Lots of things to learn, even for those of us who have not experienced death....yet!
2019-01-03 [P-B]
NDE: Linn Family - The Gifts of NDEs: You Don't Have to Die to Experience You...
Nope, no death required to experience heaven here on earth!
2019-01-03 [P-B]
CULTURE: CITIZEN X - I am the man Jordan Peterson warned you about
When YouTube serves as a confessional. This is one of the scariest videos you will ever see, because it's very true. There's nothing scarier than the truth.
2019-01-03 [P-B]
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
THEOLOGY: Now Faith is Being Sure of What We Hope For (Hebrews 11:1-2)
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for” ( Hebrews 11:1-2 )
"In the natural realm, faith doesn’t make sense. Because faith cannot be seen, understood or explained when situations beyond human control require its use. And yet faith is absolutely necessary for the believer. In fact, faith is the first and only thing required of us when we come to God (Ephesians 2:8-9). Later on in this chapter the writer draws attention to the fact that without faith we cannot please God, which means it is absolutely necessary (Hebrews 11:6).
"Paul told the believers in Corinth, “We live by faith, not by sight” (II Corinthians 5:7). If this is the case, it is important to know what faith is, so that we can regulate and conduct ourselves in faith, not by what we see, taste, touch, hear or feel."
Read the rest here: Now Faith is Being Sure of What We Hope For (Hebrews 11:1-2)
2019-01-03 [P-B]
THEOLOGY: "How to Get to Heaven (Without Really Dying)," with Robert Kopecky
You don't need to go to heaven to experience it! Robert Kopecky explains how to bring heaven to earth. Robert has had THREE near-death experiences, which he mostly ignored, until he took up meditation, and realized that he was being given some very valuable information that he needs to live up to, and share with others.
2019-01-03 [P-B]
ART: Laura Meddens on Insight Radio with Mark Farrell 2018
The remarkable story of Laura Meddens. The blind artist who paints, and paints very well!
2019-01-03 [P-B]
THEOLOGY: Jocko Podcast 158 w/ Echo Charles: Evil Does Exist. "Panzram"
Everyone who has ever been in combat knows that evil is present on this earth.
2019-01-02 [P-B]
ART: Interview with Laura Meddens
Meet an amazing artist, Laura Meddens, who does some of the most creative and colorful abstract paintings that you will come across. Interesting fact about Laura, she is mostly blind!
You can find out more about here here:
2019-01-02 [P-B]
Howard Storm,
Laura Meddons,
THEOLOGY: Ugandan Pastor SHOCKED he would not enter Heaven unless...
Pastor John Mulinde talks about an encounter he had with God, and the message God gave him about his own life. There's a warning here for all of us.
2019-01-02 [P-B]
John Mulinde,
Mike Bickle,
NDE: Dr. Mary Neal
One of my favorite NDE stories: Dr. Mary Neal explains her experience. This is a MUST WATCH video! How a skeptical scientist became a true believer.
2019-01-02 [P-B]
FOOD: Garlic Spaghetti - Spaghetti Aglio e Olio Recipe - Pasta with Garlic and...
The ultimate comfort food of Italy: Spaghetti Aglio e Olio. It's very easy to make, but quality ingredients are a must, especially in regards to the olive oil and cheese.
2019-01-02 [P-B]
SELF LOVE: 'The Geeta Chopra Show!' Episode # 13: The Power of Silence
"A wise man once said nothing! The Art of Living demonstrates how powerful silence is a healing and transformative tool for our minds. Watch this if your life is too busy for silence, you need it the most! Develop mindfulness."
The most important discipline of the world: SILENCE.
2019-01-02 [P-B]
SELF LOVE: What to do if you're BROKEN - Jocko Willink
Jocko Willink has a short, encouraging speech on what to do when you are broken.
2019-01-02 [P-B]
GAMING: WOWS - I'm an Asshole! Set A Smoke Screen! | World of Warships
Claus Kellerman plays World of Warships! Claus is a very silly man.
2019-01-02 [P-B]
FOOD: What Owning a Ramen Restaurant in Japan is Like
It's a hard life being a business owner, even if it's a business making the best comfort food in Japan.
2019-01-02 [P-B]
NDE: 90 Minutes in Heaven - Don Piper
One of the first near-death experiences I came across, so I was glad to find this video on YouTube!
2019-01-02 [P-B]
NDE: Al Diaz Visits Heaven, Meets Jesus!
Al is just a regular guy, who happened to die and meet Jesus! He tells us his story in this video.
"Al Diaz nearly died on the operating table and went to Heaven and met the Lord Jesus Christ. He was given the choice to return and did, so that he could do more for the Lord. He is clearly filled with the Holy Spirit and has wonderful words of encouragement to share."
2019-01-02 [P-B]
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
PHILOSPHY: Natural Law and the Protestant Reformation (J. Daryl Charles - Acton Ins...
A lecture that crosses the lines of religion, philosophy, law, and history. An excellent lecture on natural law and the Reformation.
2019-01-01 [P-B]
THEOLOGY: My life-altering experience of seeing hell
What it's like to be possessed by Satan.
2019-01-01 [P-B]
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