Saturday, May 25, 2019

SELF-LOVE: JOCKO WILLINK: Discipline = Freedom

The most important lesson you will ever hear.

2019-05-25  [P-B]

ECONOMICS: Thomas Sowell on the Origins of Economic Disparities

One of my most favorite economists.  He explains why there is now, and always has been, economic disparities in society.  ANY SOCIETY.   Yes, including socialist societies.  

2019-05-25  [P-B]

SELF-LOVE: Jordan Peterson Speech at the 2019 PragerU Summit

Jordan Peterson is amazed at his own popularity.   He's a surprisingly humble person.   In this speech he explains why his message of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY resonates so well at this time in history.

2019-05-25  [P-B]

ART: Disney Artist Laura Price follows a Bob Ross tutorial!

Nothing better on planet earth than a Bob Ross painting tutorial.  Laura Price, using Photoshop CC, tries to follow along with Bob, and does a pretty good job of it.

2019-05-25  [P-B]

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

JESUS: N.T. Wright on The Eric Metaxas Radio Show

Wow!  N.T. Wright -- one of the greatest living theologians....

"Esteemed New Testament scholar N. T. Wright explains how belief in the future resurrection moves us to being more fully engaged in the world, as opposed to viewing death as an escape into the afterlife. Then, Wright continues his conversation with Eric, expanding on the life and influence of one of the greatest early apostles with insights from his recent book, "Paul: A Biography.""

2019-05-23  [P-B]

KNIVES: Basic Knife Skills

Having a really good, sharp knife is one thing, how to use it is quite another.

2019-05-23  [P-B]

JESUS: Corrie ten Boom with Kathryn Kuhlman

Of all the women who have ever lived, Corrie Ten Boom is my favorite.

2019-05-22  [P-B]

JESUS: Love Jesus More Than You Love Anything

A technical discussion about the most important thing you can do while here on earth: love God.

2019-05-22  [P-B]

Monday, May 20, 2019


Listen to this video, and you will understand why Jordon Peterson is the king of YouTube.

2019-05-20  [P-B]

FOOD: Broccoli soup

Gordon Ramsay shows us how easy it is to make broccoli soup.

2019-05-20  [P-B]

FOOD: Dicing an Onion by Chef Jean Pierre

How to dice an onion, the French way!  Always good to know....

2019-05-20  [P-B]

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Thursday, May 9, 2019

BOOKS: The Last True Hermit

"Christopher Knight spent 27 years in the woods of Maine alone, never speaking a word to anyone. He survived by breaking into the homes of the town residents nearby, stealing their supplies. When he was finally captured, he told his story to journalist and author Michael Finkel, who joins The Agenda in the Summer to discuss the legend of the North Pond Hermit."