Sunday, December 30, 2018
THEOLOGY: David Bentley Hart, "Is Everyone Saved?
David Bentley Hart explains his stance on universalism.
2018-12-30 [P-B]
BOOK: "You are the Beloved"
A wonderful quote from the book "You are the Beloved":
"if you dare to believe that you are beloved before you are born, you may suddenly realize that your life is very, very special. You become conscious that you were sent here just for a short time, for twenty, forty or eighty years, to discover and believe that you are a beloved child of God. The length of time doesn't matter. You are sent into this world to believe in yourself as God's chosen one and then to help your brothers and sisters know that they are also Beloved Sons and Daughters of God who belong together. You're sent into this world to be a people of reconciliation. You are sent to heal, to break down the walls between you and your neighbors, locally, nationally, and globally. Before all distinctions, the separations, and the walls build on foundations of fear, there was a unity in the mind and heart of God. Out of that unity, you are sent into this world for a little while to claim that you and every other human being belongs to the same God of Love who lives from eternity to eternity."
You Are the Beloved
Henri H. W. Nouwen
pg. 395
2018-12-30 [P-B]
"if you dare to believe that you are beloved before you are born, you may suddenly realize that your life is very, very special. You become conscious that you were sent here just for a short time, for twenty, forty or eighty years, to discover and believe that you are a beloved child of God. The length of time doesn't matter. You are sent into this world to believe in yourself as God's chosen one and then to help your brothers and sisters know that they are also Beloved Sons and Daughters of God who belong together. You're sent into this world to be a people of reconciliation. You are sent to heal, to break down the walls between you and your neighbors, locally, nationally, and globally. Before all distinctions, the separations, and the walls build on foundations of fear, there was a unity in the mind and heart of God. Out of that unity, you are sent into this world for a little while to claim that you and every other human being belongs to the same God of Love who lives from eternity to eternity."
You Are the Beloved
Henri H. W. Nouwen
pg. 395
2018-12-30 [P-B]
FOOD: Soupe aux Choux ( cabbage and pork soup) : Easy and healthy French soup ...
A poor man's recipe for soup, from France! French cooking doesn't have to be overly expensive or overly complex to be good.
2018-12-30 [P-B]
FOOD: Food Wishes Video Recipes: Billionaire’s Franks & Beans – Welcome to the Top ...
Food Wishes Video Recipes: Billionaire’s Franks & Beans – Welcome to the Top ...: Maybe it’s the billionaire(s) in the news lately, but for some reason I decided to take one of America’s most frugal meals, franks and beans...
(This is a test of linking to another blog using the "Blogger" tool.....not so good....)
2018-12-30 [P-B]
(This is a test of linking to another blog using the "Blogger" tool.....not so good....)
2018-12-30 [P-B]
Food Wishes,
BOOKS: "The Experience of God"
Simon Kidd reviews the book "The Experience of God" by David Bentley Hart:
"The Experience of God is divided into three main parts, with a preceding ten-page ‘Introduction’ detailing David Bentley Hart’s motive for writing it. He explains that recent heated debates about the existence of God indicate a fundamental confusion about the subject. In some ways the book is a challenge to atheists to be clear about what it is that they don’t believe, a task DBH has undertaken at greater length in his 2009 Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies, also published by Yale.
"This is a book of philosophy, rather than theology, and at its core is the tradition of ‘classical theism’. Stemming from Plato and Aristotle, this tradition was developed in the early Christian centuries by the ‘Fathers of the Church’ as well as pagans like Plotinus, reaching its apogee in the writings of the medieval philosopher-theologians of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Apart from the ‘Religions of the Book’, DBH says that the definition of God that he is offering is one that can be found in ‘Vedantic and Bhaktic Hinduism, Sikhism, various late antique paganisms [and] even applies in many respects to various Mahayana formulations of, say, the Buddha Consciousness or the Buddha Nature, or even to the earliest Buddhist conception of the Unconditioned, or to certain aspects of the Tao’ (4). This universalism is also captured in the book’s subtitle, since ‘being, consciousness, bliss’ are translations of the Sanskrit ‘sat, chit, ananda’, which are usually combined into the portmanteau ‘Satchitananda’ (with variant spellings), a term referring to the ultimate reality, Brahman (see Wikipedia: ‘Satchitananda’). The Sanskrit terms are used explicitly in Part Two.
Read the entire review of The Experience of God
"The Experience of God is divided into three main parts, with a preceding ten-page ‘Introduction’ detailing David Bentley Hart’s motive for writing it. He explains that recent heated debates about the existence of God indicate a fundamental confusion about the subject. In some ways the book is a challenge to atheists to be clear about what it is that they don’t believe, a task DBH has undertaken at greater length in his 2009 Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies, also published by Yale.
"This is a book of philosophy, rather than theology, and at its core is the tradition of ‘classical theism’. Stemming from Plato and Aristotle, this tradition was developed in the early Christian centuries by the ‘Fathers of the Church’ as well as pagans like Plotinus, reaching its apogee in the writings of the medieval philosopher-theologians of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Apart from the ‘Religions of the Book’, DBH says that the definition of God that he is offering is one that can be found in ‘Vedantic and Bhaktic Hinduism, Sikhism, various late antique paganisms [and] even applies in many respects to various Mahayana formulations of, say, the Buddha Consciousness or the Buddha Nature, or even to the earliest Buddhist conception of the Unconditioned, or to certain aspects of the Tao’ (4). This universalism is also captured in the book’s subtitle, since ‘being, consciousness, bliss’ are translations of the Sanskrit ‘sat, chit, ananda’, which are usually combined into the portmanteau ‘Satchitananda’ (with variant spellings), a term referring to the ultimate reality, Brahman (see Wikipedia: ‘Satchitananda’). The Sanskrit terms are used explicitly in Part Two.
Read the entire review of The Experience of God
FOOD: The BEST Ramen Recipe! Traditional Shoyu Ramen
Making ramen the old fashioned way....very labor intensive, but from what I've heard, it's well worth all the effort.
2018-12-30 [P-B]
BIBLE: The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
The Rich Man and Lazarus
“There was a rich man who dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. But at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus whose body was covered with sores, who longed to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. In addition, the dogs came and licked his sores.
“Now the poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. And in hell, as he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far off with Lazarus at his side. So he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in anguish in this fire.’ But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things and Lazarus likewise bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in anguish. Besides all this, a great chasm has been fixed between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so, and no one can cross from there to us.’
So the rich man said, ‘Then I beg you, father—send Lazarus to my father’s house (for I have five brothers) to warn them so that they don’t come into this place of torment.’ But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; they must respond to them.’ Then the rich man said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ He replied to him, ‘If they do not respond to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
Luke 16 - New English Translation
2018-12-30 [P-B]
“There was a rich man who dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. But at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus whose body was covered with sores, who longed to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. In addition, the dogs came and licked his sores.
“Now the poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. And in hell, as he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far off with Lazarus at his side. So he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in anguish in this fire.’ But Abraham said, ‘Child, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things and Lazarus likewise bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in anguish. Besides all this, a great chasm has been fixed between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so, and no one can cross from there to us.’
So the rich man said, ‘Then I beg you, father—send Lazarus to my father’s house (for I have five brothers) to warn them so that they don’t come into this place of torment.’ But Abraham said, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; they must respond to them.’ Then the rich man said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ He replied to him, ‘If they do not respond to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
Luke 16 - New English Translation
2018-12-30 [P-B]
SCIENCE: The Zeller-Nikolov climate discovery may turn the world upside down.
How much does CO2 contribute to the warming of the earth's atmosphere? Would you believe ZERO, nada, not at all? Well, the truth is, it literally doesn't matter what the composition of an atmosphere of a planet is, the maximum average temperature of a planet can be determined knowing only two variables: the distance the planet is from the sun, and how HEAVY the atmosphere is, otherwise known as atmospheric pressure. As any even a beginner meteorologist knows, it's changes in PRESSURE, that determines weather, and has a lot to do with climate as well. As humans, we control neither pressure nor the distance we are from the sun. So stop your worrying!!!
"The Zeller-Nikolov discovery means that Earth's atmosphere keeps us warm via gas-compression heating under the weight of Earth's approximately 300-mile-thick atmosphere, not by the greenhouse effect. An actual greenhouse has a glass wall enclosing it. Earth has no enclosure and is open to space, so the two scientists suggest that the term "greenhouse effect" be replaced by "atmospheric thermal enhancement." Heat is created by compressing atmospheric gases through the pull of gravity. Similarly, in a diesel engine a piston is used to compress gases to generate enough heat to eliminate the need for a spark plug. The tremendous gravitational pull on the enormous mass of Earth's atmosphere combined with solar radiation warms our planet just enough to allow carbon-based life forms to flourish.
"If carbon dioxide was the powerful greenhouse gas alarmists claim it to be, the calculations for Venus would have to be dramatically different than the calculations for Earth, but they are the same. This tells us that CO2 has no measurable direct effect on planetary temperature, which makes perfect sense as the Earth has experienced severe ice ages when atmospheric CO2 levels were many times higher than they are today."
Read the entire article: The Zeller-Nikolov climate discovery may turn the world upside down.
2018-12-30 [P-B]
"The Zeller-Nikolov discovery means that Earth's atmosphere keeps us warm via gas-compression heating under the weight of Earth's approximately 300-mile-thick atmosphere, not by the greenhouse effect. An actual greenhouse has a glass wall enclosing it. Earth has no enclosure and is open to space, so the two scientists suggest that the term "greenhouse effect" be replaced by "atmospheric thermal enhancement." Heat is created by compressing atmospheric gases through the pull of gravity. Similarly, in a diesel engine a piston is used to compress gases to generate enough heat to eliminate the need for a spark plug. The tremendous gravitational pull on the enormous mass of Earth's atmosphere combined with solar radiation warms our planet just enough to allow carbon-based life forms to flourish.
"If carbon dioxide was the powerful greenhouse gas alarmists claim it to be, the calculations for Venus would have to be dramatically different than the calculations for Earth, but they are the same. This tells us that CO2 has no measurable direct effect on planetary temperature, which makes perfect sense as the Earth has experienced severe ice ages when atmospheric CO2 levels were many times higher than they are today."
Read the entire article: The Zeller-Nikolov climate discovery may turn the world upside down.
2018-12-30 [P-B]
global warming,
FOOD: Cassoulet - French White Bean & Meat Gratin - Cassoulet de Toulouse Recipe
One of the most difficult, but tasty comfort foods in the world: French Cassoulet.
2018-12-30 [P-B]
FOOD: Billionaire's Franks & Beans - Hot Dog and Bean Stew Recipe
Yes, these are the franks and beans that Bill Gate's personal chef makes. Well, maybe not....
2018-12-30 [P-B]
FOOD: Secret To Making The World's Best Chicken Fried Rice - How To Series
How to make the BEST chicken fried rice!
2018-12-30 [P-B]
SELF LOVE: How To Stop Being The Nice Guy! 5 Tips To Use NOW!
Good advice for life, even if you're not dating.
2018-12-30 [P-B]
SELF LOVE: Nice guys are doormats. A possible solution out.
Wow, lots of good advice here! "What's wrong with being a nice guy?"
2018-12-30 [P-B]
SELF LOVE: How To Love
“One of the great intellectual puzzles that daily life forces all of us to consider on a slightly too regular basis is: ‘Why are other people so awful? How come they are so unreliable, aggressive, deceitful, mean, two-faced or cowardly?’ As we search for answers, we tend quite naturally to fall back on a standard, compact and tempting explanation: because they are terrible people. They are appalling, crooked, deformed or ‘bad’; that’s simply how some types are. The conclusion may be grim, but it also feels very true and fundamentally unbudgeable…”
2018-12-30 [P-B]
NDE: 10 yr. Old Jeremy Taken to Heaven, told of Future Events (Shocking!)
A mother recounts the near death experience of her ten year old son. He died for 40 minutes, and should not have come back to life at all, but he did. Sadly, due to complications from that incident, he did eventually journey to the other side at age 13, and now lives with Jesus, the angels, and all the saints.
2018-12-30 [P-B]
NDE: Amphianda's NDE
Amphianda's remembers her NDE experience in great detail. It was a very simple one, but had a very profound impact on her life. Well worth watching, as she's a great story teller, and does a magnificent job explaining what happened to her.
2018-12-30 [P-B]
Saturday, December 29, 2018
NDE: Beautiful Near Death Experience | John's NDE!
This is truly one of the most BEAUTIFUL near-death experiences I've ever listened to, get ready to grab the Kleenex! John dies, and meets God the Father, and they review John's life, which was not the kind of life that gets you into heaven, to say the least. But God has faith in John, and sends him back to earth to give him a second chance. This video will change your life.
2018-12-30 [P-B]
Friday, December 28, 2018
NDE: Heaven on Earth
Many near-death experiencers come back to life with an important God-given mission for them to carry out, and Tricia Barker has taken her mission very seriously. In this video, she mentions one of the most important missions that we can ALL participate in: bringing heaven to earth, in a very literal sense! One of the most encouraging videos you will ever see.
2018-12-28 [P-B]
NDE: Tricia Barker's Conversations With Near-Death Experiencers: Episode #2
A very interesting interview with Peter Panagore, a person who had a very interesting an unusual near death experience, in that he was invited to STAY in heaven, but, of his own free will, decided to go back to earth, an experience that he truly regrets making! He has some tremendous wisdom to share, highly recommended!
2018-12-28 [P-B]
Thursday, December 27, 2018
PHILOSOPHY: Amazing Clip From Jordan Peterson Vs Dr William Lane Craig
Dr. William Lane Craig puts a question to Dr. Jordan Peterson that is something I might ask Peterson myself if I were to see him: why not just finally admit there is a transcendent realm of truth, and stop goofing around with the naturalism nonsense? Jordan defends his naturalistic premise, but not very well. But then when you talking with a very well educated and truly wise philosopher like William Lane Craig, you are not going to sound very reasonable.
2018-12-27 [P-B]
NDE: Anda's Experience
Experience description:
15 years old.
I was very depressed for a long while.
I had been writing in my journal for months these five words "I want to go home".
it got to the point where I only wrote those five words and nothing else. I was in a sad stagnant void in my life and didn't like myself at all.
I had stopped believing in god. (my family was never religious... more spiritual)
But those five words were the only thing that I could express.... and the words themselves frustrated me because as I wrote them out day after day even I did not understand what I meant! I wondered why I was compelled to write something so futile. I did want a place that felt like home (my home felt wrong to me... lacking in unconditional love... and I felt like a guest with my father and step-mother)... but I couldn't fathom where or what home was... or if I could I couldn't see how I could access one (a real home where I felt loved and even celebrated for just being myself).
Read the full testimony: Anda's Experience
NOTE: I am reposting this testimony here because I know EXACTLY what she felt, I mean exactly. This place is not our home.
2018-12-27 [P-B]
15 years old.
I was very depressed for a long while.
I had been writing in my journal for months these five words "I want to go home".
it got to the point where I only wrote those five words and nothing else. I was in a sad stagnant void in my life and didn't like myself at all.
I had stopped believing in god. (my family was never religious... more spiritual)
But those five words were the only thing that I could express.... and the words themselves frustrated me because as I wrote them out day after day even I did not understand what I meant! I wondered why I was compelled to write something so futile. I did want a place that felt like home (my home felt wrong to me... lacking in unconditional love... and I felt like a guest with my father and step-mother)... but I couldn't fathom where or what home was... or if I could I couldn't see how I could access one (a real home where I felt loved and even celebrated for just being myself).
Read the full testimony: Anda's Experience
NOTE: I am reposting this testimony here because I know EXACTLY what she felt, I mean exactly. This place is not our home.
2018-12-27 [P-B]
NDE: Overdosed and went to hell. Here's what I saw
Yes, there are a LOT of people who go to hell in their near-death experience, but you don't often hear about it, for what should be obvious reasons. Yet they are the most motivated evangelists you will ever find! Meagan Griffith went to hell after living a life devoted to drugs and alcohol. She was trying, but not succeeding (at all) to get out of that life style. She has a warning she wants everyone to hear.
2018-12-27 [P-B]
Meagan Griffith,
POLITICS: Rand Paul defends troop withdrawal in Syria, Afghanistan
I hate all politicians, and some more than others, but I have nothing but respect for Rand Paul. He's been consistently against the mission creep in the mid-east, and is 100% behind Trump's decision to get our boys out of what is just another mid-east quagmire.
2018-12-27 [P-B]
PHILOSOPHY: The Role of Duty in It's a Wonderful Life
Father Mike explains the core concept behind the famous 1946 movie "It's A Wonderful Life." -- the concept of "duty". This is a concept that truly takes a spiritually minded person to understand in it's fullness, or at least a soldier.
2018-12-27 [P-B]
SPIRITUALITY: Power of Prayer - Part 2
Amphianda Baskett felt like she needed to add to her original teaching on the power of prayer, so she added a second video. Truly a beautiful soul, and a wonderful teaching.
2018-12-27 [P-B]
SPIRTUALITY: Power of Prayer - Part 1
Amphianda Baskett talks about the power of prayer, through the insights she has had about prayer since here near-death experience. This is really a beautiful teaching on prayer, and the positive impacts it has both on the object and subject of you prayers.
2018-12-27 [P-B]
NDE: Yvonne Sneeden's Near Death Experience
This is truly a beautiful testimony from the beautiful Yvonne Sneeden, who was embraced by Jesus during her own near-death experience. The joy and love that infects her as she retells the experience is infectious itself! Listen if for no other reason than to hear a truly wonderful testimony.
2018-12-27 [P-B]
Monday, December 24, 2018
NDE: The Reality of the Afterlife & The Importance of Spreading Love
The most important lesson of near-death experiences: it's all about love.
2018-12-24 [P-B]
MUSIC: Good Vibrations: The Beach Boys' Pop Masterpiece
One of the greatest pop songs of all time: The Beach Boy's "Good Vibrations".
2018-12-24 [P-B]
KITCHEN: S.O.S. | Sh*t on a Shingle - HARD TIMES - foods from times of scarcity
One of the all-time great "hard times" food: Shit On A Shingle!
2018-12-24 [P-B]
THEOLOGY: Jesus says, "Tell the children I want them to take their place."
A man has a dream about Jesus, where he gives him some considerable insight. That insight: the beauty and wonder of the Lord's Prayer.
2018-12-24 [P-B]
NDE: Elvira Truttmann - Suicide NDE - Talks with God in Heaven
Near death experiences as a result of suicide is not unusual. Elvira tells us about what happened to her when she tried to commit suicide.
2018-12-24 [P-B]
MUSIC: Why Brian Wilson Is A Genius
Yes, Brian Wilson of the Beatles is a true music genius, no doubt about it.
2018-12-24 [P-B]
NDE died at party...met GOD (JESUS)
This young party girl died doing drugs and drinking at a party, and did not even know she was dead! Yes, there are times where dead people don't realize it. What happened after she died is really amazing!
2018-12-24 [P-B]
Sunday, December 23, 2018
NDE: Truth, Love, and Money
How our lives are complicated by our woundedness, pain and suffering.
2018-12-23 [P-B]
NDE: Q & A About The Afterlife : PART 4
Tricia Barker's fourth Q&A session about near death experiences, this time talking about pain management of all things.
2018-12-23 [P-B]
NDE: Q & A About the Afterlife : PART 3 : Fear vs. Intuition
Tricia Barker's third Q&A session about Near Death Experiences. Here she explores the difficulty of trusting intuition when dealing with fear.
2018-12-23 [P-B]
NED: Q & A About The Afterlife : PART 2
Tricia Barker's Q&A on Near Death Experiences, Part 2.
2018-12-23 [P-B]
NDE: Q & A About The Afterlife : PART 1
Tricia Barker, who is a real life professor, does a fantastic job with questions about near-death experiences. Must see TV!
2018-12-23 [P-B]
KITCHEN: The Tricks to Crispy Hash Browns
Perhaps the most important video I have ever shared: how to make crispy hash browns every time.
2018-12-23 [P-B]
BOOKS: Simone Weil
"Some lives are exemplary, others not; and of exemplary lives, there are those which invite us to imitate them, and those which we regard from a distance with a mixture of revulsion, pity, and reverence. It is, roughly, the difference between the hero and the saint (if one may use the latter term in an aesthetic, rather than a religious sense). Such a life, absurd in its exaggerations and degree of self-mutilation—like Kleist’s, like Kierkegaard’s—was Simone Weil’s. I am thinking of the fanatical asceticism of Simone Weil’s life, her contempt for pleasure and for happiness, her noble and ridiculous political gestures, her elaborate self-denials, her tireless courting of affliction; and I do not exclude her homeliness, her physical clumsiness, her migraines, her tuberculosis. No one who loves life would wish to imitate her dedication to martyrdom nor would wish it for his children nor for anyone else whom he loves. Yet so far as we love seriousness, as well as life, we are moved by it, nourished by it. In the respect we pay to such lives, we acknowledge the presence of mystery in the world—and mystery is just what the secure possession of the truth, an objective truth, denies. In this sense, all truth is superficial; and some (but not all) distortions of the truth, some (but not all) insanity, some (but not all) unhealthiness, some (but not all) denials of life are truth-giving, sanity-producing, health-creating, and life-enhancing."
Read the entire article: Simone Weil
2018-12-23 [P-B]
Read the entire article: Simone Weil
2018-12-23 [P-B]
simone weil,
susan sontag
NDE: Susan Noeske NDE - Suicide is Cheating
Another simple, direct near-death experience from Susan Noeske. She's just a regular person, not looking to sell anything or profit from her experience, just wants to let us know that there really is life after death. There's no religion on the other side! Thank God.... :-)
2018-12-23 [P-B]
KITCHEN: Real French Toast by real French Chef Jean-Jacques Bernat
A real French chef shows how to make real French toast!
2018-12-23 [P-B]
NDE: Sharon Milliman, a Near Death Experience (NDE) - SOZO EP0010
"Sharon Milliman had a Near Death Experience (NDE) when she got struck by lightning. She went to heaven, meets Jesus and angels and relates her story in a book called, "A Song in the Wind", and of course, in this interview!"
2018-12-23 [P-B]
BOETHIUS: Boethius, Session 02 - When Fortune Turns Against You
"Join Signum University's Dr. Corey Olsen as he continues his much anticipated Mythgard Academy class on Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy. By the end you'll be wondering if you were always destined to enjoy it as much as you did!
"In Book Two Lady Philosophy explains to Boethius how Fortune works. Fortune has not changed or mistreated Boethius. Change is what Fortune does. His prior success was not a reward, but merely the up side of fortune, to be followed inevitably by the down side. Trusting in Fortune leads inevitably to disappointment. Fortune enjoys turning her wheel. Her gifts are hers to bestow and take back. And the vicissitudes of Fortune are perfectly natural. So the real problem is in Boethius' thinking. Goods that may be lost, as all the goods of Fortune are, cannot be the basis of true happiness."
2018-12-23 [P-B]
Often times it's the greatest sinners who have the greatest wisdom. This young lady was a blatant, intentional sinner by her own admission, if it was wrong, she did it. Until one day she realized she was on a path of destruction, and called out to Jesus.
2018-12-23 [P-B]
KITCHEN: Why is My Cast Iron Sticky? And How to Fix It!
"If you've got problems with you cast iron sticking or there is a residue that builds up- we've got the answers of why that's happening and how to fix it! There are two main reasons - the cast iron isn't hot enough when seasoning and too much oil is being used. "
2018-12-23 [P-B]
THEOLOGY: Bob Jones: The Last day Church.
Bob Jones talks about the most controversial topic in Christianity: The Last Days.
2018-12-23 [P-B]
Saturday, December 22, 2018
ECONOMICS: Bill Holter – Mad Max World Possible as Unpayable Debt Bubble Pops
"It's all about the credit markets"...Truer words never spoken. Bill Holter explains how the credit bubble is about to blow, and when it blows, it's going to be bad, very bad. Oh, and by the way, the bubble is now bursting.
2018-12-23 [P-B]
ECONOMICS: 2019 Recession Means 2020 Socialism
Peter Schiff gives a short interview with Kennedy, explaining how the bubble is going to pop, and it's already begun. His predictions are very dire.
2018-12-23 [P-B]
NDE: Greatest Heaven Visit Testimony .. Dogs and Cats go to Heaven
Dean Braxton was "really, really dead" according to his own doctors, dead for an HOUR and 45 minutes, before he came back to life. He talks about what he saw when he died, and answers one of the most important questions of all time: do animals go to heaven???
2018-12-23 [P-B]
THEOLOGY: Bob Jones and the Rapture...
Bob Jones talks about the importance of intimacy and love with God. He also shoots down the idea of "the rapture" as populized by evangelical Christians.
2018-12-23 [P-B]
THEOLOGY: Do All Good People go to Heaven?
Is our "natural born trajectory" on a path to heaven, or hell? Well, according to the "spirit of the age", we are almost all on a trajectory towards heaven, if people even believe in the concept of heaven anymore. But when you read the Bible, especially the Gospels, the answer is quite the opposite: we are on the highway to hell, literally. It takes *intention* to go to heaven. It takes *effort* and mindfulness. If there is a path to heaven, how to we obtain it? Fr. Mike Schmitz tell us the Christian path to eternal life, as taught by Jesus.
2018-12-23 [P-B]
THEOLOGY: Mary K Baxter Describes Horrors of Hell
Mary K Baxter, a prophet, has seen a vision of hell. We often forget that Jesus preached as much on hell as he did heaven. (But she has seen heaven too!).
2018-12-23 [P-B]
ART: ''The Gift'' by Akiane
Akiane talks about an experience she had meeting a man during her world travels. An amazing story, and an amazing painting.
2018-12-23 [P-B]
NDE: Bob Jones, Prophet & Pillar of the Church describes Heaven!
Bob Jones, a hillbilly from Arkansas, is my all time favorite NDE testimony. He never wrote a book, or did a thing to popularize his account, but lot of folks who heard it, worked with Bob to help him share what he saw and experienced. This is a MUST SEE video!
[2018-12-23 P-B]
Friday, December 21, 2018
ECONOMICS: Peter Schiff - Americans Are Going to be Impoverished
Peter Schiff understands the world of finance and economics as well as anyone, and he also understands how the Federal Reserve is used to manipulate the market and the economy. What's he saying is completely true: the Fed is intentionally working to wreck the economy. It's far from the first time they've done this.
2018-12-22 [P-B]
ART: Akiane Kramarik, Co-Creating with God
It's just that simple: being an artist is to co-create with God. Akiane Kramarik explains what she means by this. She has incorporated spirituality into her art from the time she was a child.
2018-12-22 [P-B]
ISLAM: Hitchens: Don't bow to Islam
The way the west has so quickly bowed down to Islam, and is continuing to coddle this most violent and evil of religions, was predicted and warned about my Christopher Hitchens.
2018-12-22 [P-B]
Thursday, December 20, 2018
NDE: Breanna died, went to Heaven, and returned!! (Full Testimony)
"Listen to this amazing testimony of 18 year old Breanna Gilbert, who was dead for close to 40 minutes, went briefly to hell, was rescued by the Lord, went to Heaven, and returned. Recorded at Lake County Church in Fort Worth, Texas, posted 8/25/17 and 8/27/17 (this is the two put together and edited for time and content)"
2018-12-20 [P-B]
NDE: Rebecca died at 13 and met Jesus... an amazing story of God's patience a...
"A testimony like you have never heard before. Died of drug overdose at 13, met Jesus, traveled back in time 2000 years, then came back to life. Still, she struggled for years, rejected by 'Christians', thought she was lost... before she found her way back to him. Amazing story!"
2018-12-20 [P-B]
NDE: Man Dead 38 Minutes Sees Heaven and Hell - WAIT FOR IT!!!
As if often the case, some of the most interesting near death experiences come from just average people. Cecil Pearson has had some AMAZING run-ins with the supernatural during the course of his life, and when he died on an operating table, he had one of the most amazing experiences of all, taking him to heaven, then hell, and then back to life again. It's a story you will never forget.
2018-12-20 [P-B]
NDE: Episode 21 Former atheist Pastor Howard Storm on We Don't Die Radio Show
My all-time favorite near death experiencer, Pastor Howard Storm, was a militant atheist before he died, and found out the truth about what's on the other side. After he came back to life, he was a radically changed person. I real life "Mr. Scrooge" type conversion experience, though far more extreme than anything old Scrooge experienced.
2018-12-20 [P-B]
Saturday, December 15, 2018
NDE: Episode 19 Coming back a different person by Dr Rajiv Parti on We Don't ...
Another great interview with Dr. Rajiv Parti on "We Don't Die" radio. Dr. Parti was a one time a poppy farmer in Afghanistan, and became addicted to the opium he produced for sale. Such a very interesting story.
"TO THY OWN SELF BE TRUE" --> The most important bit of wisdom you can have.
2018-12-16 [P-B]
Rajvi Parti,
We Don't Die,
NDE: Dying to Wake Up ~ Rajiv Parti, MD
It's not easy to dismiss near death experiences when they happen non-religious atheists and agnostics, especially when they are scientists and doctors! Dr. Rajiv Parti explains his own hellish NDE experience, and how it's changed him completely. This is a must watch for every NDE skeptic. Even more interesting, Dr. Rajiv Parti was raised as a Hindu, but much what he saw in his NDE was in accordance with Judeo-Christian theology. There are certain aspects of Hinduism that do support NDE experiences though, as Dr Rajiv Parti explains. This is an amazing testimony.
2018-12-15 [P-B]
Rajiv Parti,
PHILOSOPHY: Jocko Willink: The Catastrophe of the Utopian Soviet State
There is one thing that socialists/communists system are quite good at: creating a living hell right here on planet earth. But why is that? Jocko Willinik and Jordan Peterson have a two hour long discussion on how easy it is for the common man to become entangled on a path towards evil, ESPECIALLY if they have no transcendent moral compass. This video blog is well worth every second of your time.
2018-12-15 [P-B]
Friday, December 14, 2018
PHILOSOPHY: Sir Roger Scruton/Dr. Jordan B. Peterson: Apprehending the Transcendent
Two of the greatest minds alive right now: Sir Roger Scruton and Dr. Jordan B. Peterson. This is REALLY good stuff. Education, truth, philosophy and the current state of the educational system.
This from Jordan B. Peterson, who posted this video:
"A conversation between Dr. Jordan Peterson and Sir Roger Scruton, moderated by Dr. Stephen Blackwood, introduced by Professor Douglas Hedley, presented by The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Platonism and Ralston College, held on Nov 2, 2018 in Cambridge, England.
"God willing (so to speak) I will be staying in Cambridge in October and November talking with the faculty at the Divinity School there about the book of Exodus prior to releasing a new series of videos about that biblical saga."
2018-12-14 [P-B]
NDE: Both 4-year Boy Colton & 8-year Akiane Saw Lord Jesus Christ
HEAVEN IS FOR REAL! Some of the best near death experiences are those related by children, it seems as if Heaven goes above and beyond when a child enters it's realm. Absolutely incredible testimony! Coulton Burpo literally sat on the lap of Jesus when he was in heaven as a four year old boy. What's amazing is after he came back from the dead, and started telling his parents about his experience, his father showed him all the famous portraits of Jesus done by various artists over the years, and asked him for his opinion as to the accuracy of the depiction. The only portrait of Jesus that met Coultan's approval was done by the child artist Akiane.
2018-12-14 [P-B]
ART: Interview with Akiane Kramarik | Happy Conscious Living eZine
Happy Conscious Living eZine does an interview with my favorite living American artist: Akiane Kramarik. Good stuff!
2018-12-14 [P-B]
POLITICS: "Conservative Democracy"
"There are prominent scholars and public figures who are convinced that “things are getting better” in almost every way. As for me, I find it difficult not to see the Western nations disintegrating before our eyes. The most significant institutions that have characterized America and Britain for the last five centuries, giving these countries their internal coherence and stability—the Bible, public religion, the independent national state, and the traditional family—are not merely under assault. They have been, at least since World War II, in precipitous decline.
"In the United States, for example, some 40 percent of children are today born outside of marriage. The overall fertility rate has fallen to 1.76 children per woman. American children for the most part receive twelve years of public schooling that is scrubbed clean of God and Scripture. And it is now possible to lose one’s livelihood or even to be prosecuted for maintaining traditional Christian or Jewish views on various subjects."
Read the rest of the article: Conservative Democracy
2018-12-14 [P-B]
Thursday, December 13, 2018
A fun, light hearted, but also quite serious interview with Howard Storm. Unfortunately the interviewer brings up the subject of "spirit boxes", which Howard is not familiar with, but I am. The spirits that are most frequently contacted by spirt boxes are demons, but being demons, they don't just come out and admit it. They are not to be messed with, as they will open up a portal of darkness into your life, and it's only by God's grace that one is protected from these vile creatures. It's no where near as innocent or good as the interviewer seems to suggest. And yes, demons have no problems quoting scriptures at length in order to deceive you. Don't ever mess with spirit boxes.
Despite the spirit box nonsense, the interview is still very much worth listening too, as it's been 33 years now since Howard Storm's very dramatic near death experience, and he talks very candidly about the challenges that he faced after that fateful day on June 1, 1985, when he literally died.
2018-12-14 [P-B]
SELF-LOVE: ‘I Always Steal My Friends’ Boyfriends, and I Can’t Stop!’
"Making out with your friend’s prom date isn’t a “frustrating situation” that you passively land in, beyond your control. Stealing away with your close friend’s crush isn’t a casual blooper that “seems to keep cropping up,” one that only has consequences because it violates some secret, hard-to-decipher “girl code.” Developing a crush on your new friend’s boyfriend isn’t a “pretty benign” scenario that you just need to “develop the skills to manage.” You’re telling an inaccurate story about how you keep falling into emotional quicksand. But you’re not a fool for unrequited love. You’re an emotional terrorist on a single-minded quest."
Read the full article here: ‘I Always Steal My Friends’ Boyfriends, and I Can’t Stop!’
2018-12-13 [P-B]
Read the full article here: ‘I Always Steal My Friends’ Boyfriends, and I Can’t Stop!’
2018-12-13 [P-B]
"self love",
NDE: The Geeta Chopra Show! Howard Storm Interview Part II
Geeta Chopra's second interview with Howard Storm. Howard has one of the most incredible near-death experiences of all time, as he was sent to hell soon after he died! Howard mentions something I've never heard from anyone before: how emotional and psychological healing is FAR MORE IMPORTANT that physical healing, and this coming from a man who has seen many miraculous physical healings.
2018-12-13 [P-B]
ART: ''Painting The Impossible'' by Akiane Kramarik
One of my all time favorite artists: Akiane Kramarik tells how her entire life shaped her into a person who could finally paint the impossible: one of the most beautiful portraits of Jesus ever.
2018-12-13 [P-B]
NDE: 'Saved' Man 'dies', ends up in Hell! (OSAS?) Joseph's Testimony
Not everyone who has a near death experience goes to "heaven"....some go to the other place....
2018-12-13 [P-B]
FOOD: How to Make Tamales - Authentic Homemade Tamales
Cowboy Kent shows us how to make the greatest of all foods: Hot Tamales!
2018-12-13 [P-B]
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
NDE: Past Lives Podcast Ep35 Howard Storm
Another Howard Storm interview, this time the interviewer is Simon Brown.
2018-12-12 [P-B]
SELF-LOVE: "‘I’m Broke and Mostly Friendless, and I’ve Wasted My Whole Life’"
I feel badly for this woman:
"I feel like a ghost. I’m a 35-year-old woman, and I have nothing to show for it. My 20s and early 30s have been a twisting crisscross of moves all over the West Coast, a couple of brief stints abroad, multiple jobs in a mediocre role with no real upward track. I was also the poster child for serial monogamy. My most hopeful and longest lasting relationship (three and a half years, whoopee) ended two years ago. We moved to a new town (my fourth new city), created a home together, and then nose-dived into a traumatic breakup that launched me to my fifth and current city and who-knows-what-number job."
Read the entire article: ‘I’m Broke and Mostly Friendless, and I’ve Wasted My Whole Life’
2018-12-12 [P-B]
"I feel like a ghost. I’m a 35-year-old woman, and I have nothing to show for it. My 20s and early 30s have been a twisting crisscross of moves all over the West Coast, a couple of brief stints abroad, multiple jobs in a mediocre role with no real upward track. I was also the poster child for serial monogamy. My most hopeful and longest lasting relationship (three and a half years, whoopee) ended two years ago. We moved to a new town (my fourth new city), created a home together, and then nose-dived into a traumatic breakup that launched me to my fifth and current city and who-knows-what-number job."
Read the entire article: ‘I’m Broke and Mostly Friendless, and I’ve Wasted My Whole Life’
2018-12-12 [P-B]
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
NDE: MD Has Hellish Near Death Experience : Dr Rajiv Parti
Not everyone who has a near death experience goes to heaven. Here is the story of one man's journey to hell. This is not unusual, as there are many others who have been to hell, and have somehow have come back to life to tell about it.
2018-12-11 [P-B]
NDE: My Interview with Howard Storm, Author of "My Descent into Death," on hi...
The most recent interview I've seen with Howard Storm. The interviewer is Geeta Chopra. Good stuff as always!
2018-12-11 [P-B]
FOOD: The Best Chicken Enchiladas | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K
One of my all-time favorite foods. I collect chicken enchilada recipes!
2018-12-11 [P-B]
NDE: Suicide and Near-Death Experiences
"First, if you are in danger of taking your own life or are seriously considering suicide, please call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 .
"If you are feeling desperate, please reach out to people until you find the help that you need. The number provided will obviously not work outside of the U.S. Also, leaving a comment on this video or any YouTube video will probably not get you in touch with the help that you need. Please be loving and kind to yourself and find good resources for you.
"However, if you simply are interested in this topic, you might want to check out some of the other videos about this subject such as Bob Olsen's talk titled, "What Happens in the Afterlife to People Who Commit Suicide"
2018-12-11 [P-B]
Tricia Barker,
NDE: More About the #Angels From My #NDE
Tricia Barker talks about the very important role that ANGELS played in her near death experience. She also tells us that they play an important role here on earth as well, though we can't see it. What's really amazing is how they can work miraculous healing power, and how they use people as conduits of this power.
2018-12-11 [P-B]
RELIGION: The Book of Job - Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz
What could be better than a rabbi speaking on the book of Job?
2018-12-11 [P-B]
PSYCH: The Problem of Shame
An excellent interview on that feeling or emotion that lies in the center of almost all depression and despair: SHAME.
2018-12-11 [P-B]
HISTORY: The Rise and Structure of Christianity in the Middle Ages (Lecture 2)
The Middle Ages started when the Visigoths sacked Rome, bringing an end to the western Roman empire. Christianity was blamed for this, of course.
2018-12-11 [P-B]
Sunday, December 9, 2018
SELF LOVE: Joe Rogan Experience #1212 - David Goggins
"David Goggins is a retired Navy SEAL and former USAF Tactical Air Control Party member who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is an ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete and world record holder for the most pull-ups done in 24 hours. His new book "Can't Hurt Me" is available now via Amazon."
2018-12-09 [P-B]
POLITICS: "The Dishonesty of George H. W. Bush"
"Trump disregarded the first principle of voter manipulation. He did not pander to the Republican base in the primaries and then tack to the middle in the general election. His themes, rhetoric, and pugilistic style remained constant. He ignored the playbook recommended after the 2012 election, which advised accepting multicultural rules of politics set by the left. On the contrary, his campaign was punctuated by violations of political correctness that raised constant uproar—as is his presidency. There seems to be no deception. What we saw is what we are getting."
Read the rest of the article here: The Dishonesty of George H. W. Bush
2018-12-09 [P-B]
Read the rest of the article here: The Dishonesty of George H. W. Bush
2018-12-09 [P-B]
Saturday, December 8, 2018
RELIGION: David Bentley Hart - Can many religions all be true?
Can ALL religions be true? Possibly....David Bentley Hart shares about what he's learned about religion over the years, and how there is a surprising amount of commonality between them.
2018-12-09 [P-B]
NDE: Lessons From My #NDE
Some very simple, but powerful lessons from Tricia Barker's near death experience. Many of these lessons seem like they've come straight out of the New Testament, and for good reason: because the most important life lessons now are basically the same as they ever have been. Really good stuff, and it makes one excited about experience their own death someday! Yes, death is a GOOD THING! There's a lot of wonderful surprises waiting for us, but it's also very important to live as well as we can in the present.
2018-12-09 [P-B]
MEDITATION: #Meditation With Unknown Angels #guidedmeditation
Tricia Barker, like many people who have had a near-death experience, is able to see angels, and communicate with them. Here she helps us to get to know our own angels that have been assigned to help us.
2018-12-09 [P-B]
PSYCH: The Psychology of Self-Sabotage and Resistance
Another amazing short lecture from The Academy of Ideas, all about our "higher calling" and why it's so hard to live out in reality. Answering the higher call is just too hard.
2018-12-09 [P-B]
BOETHIUS: Boethius, Session 01 - Whats Wrong with the World
An incredible TWO HOUR long lecture on the history of Boethius' "Consolation of Philosophy" by Professor Corey Olsen. He talks briefly about two famous British authors who were greatly influenced by him: J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. But this is mostly about Boethius's life and influence. 
2018-12-08 [P-B]
NDE: Howard Storm, Befriend God, Life With Jesus, SOZO Talk Radio EP0017
Sozo talk radio interviews Howard Storm! And it seems Howard has a new book out that I might have to put on my "must read" list....Howard talks about the importance of being friends with Jesus, and why he should be our BEST friend.
2018-12-08 [P-B]
PHILOSOPHY: George Berkely
"George Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne, was one of the great philosophers of the early modern period. He was a brilliant critic of his predecessors, particularly Descartes, Malebranche, and Locke. He was a talented metaphysician famous for defending idealism, that is, the view that reality consists exclusively of minds and their ideas. Berkeley's system, while it strikes many as counter-intuitive, is strong and flexible enough to counter most objections. His most-studied works, the Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge (Principles, for short) and Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous (Dialogues), are beautifully written and dense with the sort of arguments that delight contemporary philosophers."
Read the rest of the article here: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: George Berkeley
2018-12-08 [P-B]
Read the rest of the article here: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: George Berkeley
2018-12-08 [P-B]
SELF LOVE: "The Purpose Of Life Is Not Happiness: It’s Usefulness"
"For the longest time, I believed that there’s only purpose of life: And that is to be happy.
"Right? Why else go through all the pain and hardship? It’s to achieve happiness in some way.
"And I’m not the only person who believed that. In fact, if you look around you, most people are pursuing happiness in their lives.
"That’s why we collectively buy shit we don’t need, go to bed with people we don’t love, and try to work hard to get approval of people we don’t like.
"Why do we do these things? To be honest, I don’t care what the exact reason is. I’m not a scientist. All I know is that it has something to do with history, culture, media, economy, psychology, politics, the information era, and you name it. The list is endless."
Read the rest of the article: The Purpose Of Life Is Not Happiness: It’s Usefulness
2018-12-08 [P-B]
SELF LOVE: "How To Surround Yourself With People Who Can Turn Your Life From Toxic To Fulfilling"

"So many people struggling with self-worth don’t realize the root of confidence stems from being surrounded by people who encourage that way of thinking. The cliche that you’re a reflection of the five people you spend the most time with is true. And what’s worse, until you become aware of these external factors having a negative impact on your life, you’ll remain in a vicious cycle that’s both unfulfilling and toxic."
Read the rest of the article: How To Surround Yourself With People Who Can Turn Your Life From Toxic To Fulfilling
2018-12-08 [P-B]
Thursday, December 6, 2018
NDE: Howard Storm, A Second Chance at LIFE (FEB 2018) SOZO EP0002
A two hour long FUN video interview with Howard Storm!
Howard Storm,
NEWS: '4141' locomotive carrying George H.W. Bush arrives at College Station
The President George H.W. Bush funeral train arrives at College Station, TX.
NEWS: FULL TRAIN RIDE: President George H.W. Bush FINAL RIDE To College Statio...
"The special funeral train carrying former President George H.W. Bush arrived in College Station, Texas on Thursday -- the last leg of his journey before America's 41st president is laid to rest.
"Following a funeral at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Houston, Bush’s casket – draped in an American flag – was loaded aboard a Union Pacific Locomotive 4141 train car in Spring, Texas.
"Former President George W. Bush and his family were among those in attendance at the ceremony, after which they boarded the train.
"During the funeral, the elder Bush – who died Friday at age 94 – was remembered for his “decency, boundless kindness and consideration of others” by a longtime friend and former secretary of state, James Baker.
"Bush is to be interred on the grounds of the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, on the Texas A&M University campus, near his wife, Barbara, and Robin, their daughter who died of leukemia at the age of 3 in 1953.
"The train was scheduled to slow down through a number of towns along its roughly 70-mile trip. That included Magnolia, where hundreds of people gathered to see 4141 go by. Crowd members waved flags and cheered as the train arrived.
"There have been several other such funeral trains in the nation's history. That includes the one that carried Dwight D. Eisenhower’s body from the National Cathedral in Washington to his Kansas hometown of Abilene several decades ago, according to The Associated Press."
NEWS: Texans to pay tribute along George H.W. Bush's final train ride
One last train ride for President Bush.
NEWS: Former President George H.W. Bush's funeral train departs
Not only does the late President George H.W. Bush get to have one last ride on Air Force One, he also gets his own FUNERAL TRAIN to take his casket from Houston TX to College Station! And to make it even more special, the lead locomotive on the train was named in his honor, given the number 4141, and painted in the colors of Air Force One. Too cool!
NDE: Ep553: Near-Death Experience – Nancy Rynes
An interview with one of my favorite NDE experiencers: Nancy Rynes!
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
NDE: What is the meaning of life? Wayne Morrison
05 Dec 2018 - I like it when a regular guy has an NDE, and talks about it in plain language. Wayne Morrison is just a regular guy who had an extraordinary experience. A short but wonderful testimony.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
BIBLE: A reading from 1 John
1 John 3 New Living Translation (NLT)
3 See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him. 2 Dear friends, we are already God’s children, but he has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is. 3 And all who have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure, just as he is pure.
4 Everyone who sins is breaking God’s law, for all sin is contrary to the law of God.5 And you know that Jesus came to take away our sins, and there is no sin in him.6 Anyone who continues to live in him will not sin. But anyone who keeps on sinning does not know him or understand who he is.
7 Dear children, don’t let anyone deceive you about this: When people do what is right, it shows that they are righteous, even as Christ is righteous. 8 But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. 9 Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life[a] is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God. 10 So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God.
PHILOSOPHY: The Consolation of Philosophy - A. C. Grayling
2018-12-05 - A lecture on Boethius' great book "The Consolation of Philosophy".
MUSIC: The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations
2018-12-05 - My number ONE favorite song of the 1960's. Certainly one of the best pop songs of all time.
PHILOSOPHY: The Consolation of Philosophy (FULL Audiobook)
05 Dec 2018 - Oh my goodness, someone recorded the entire book of "The Consolation of Philosophy" by Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius in audio format! Feel free to listen to one of the most important philosophical works in Western civilization.
Monday, December 3, 2018
NDE: Animals In Heaven - ( Do Pets Go To Heaven?)
All pets go to heaven!
NDE: Michaela's NDE - Meeting With Her Future Family.
Michaela died soon after a horrible car accident, as she was being flown to the hospital. She saw something interesting that you don't always hear about it with NDE testimonies: her FUTURE life!
Sunday, December 2, 2018
NDE: Tricia Barker's - Episode #13 - Howard Storm
The best Near Death Experience interview ever: Tricia Barker interviews Howard Storm. So much NDE stuff is so bizarre and "new age" that it zoom right over most people's heads. Howard is about as down to earth as they come, and he and Tricia really have an amazing conversation about NDE's and religion. One of the best interviews I've yet come across.
RELIGION: Christian woman went to hell for vanity. Wow ! Listen to her story
Well, it is one of the seven deadly got to walk the walk.
Saturday, December 1, 2018
NDE: The Good Life - Howard Storm - Music: Mark Payne
What happens when a militant atheist ends up in hell? Howard Storm was sent straight to hell, but amazingly, ended up in heaven and met Jesus face-to-face. How did that happen? Watch the video to find out.
ALSO: Big bonus: Brother Mark Payne plays some AWESOME piano on this video!
NDE: Spiritual Healing - Near Death Experience - Janie Thompson
One thing that often happens with those who have gone through Near Death Experiences, is that they are given an ability to interact with the spirit world. Not just angels and demons, but also what we commonly refer to as "ghosts", the sprits of those who have departed, but for reasons unknown hang around planet earth instead of going to their Great Beyond.
Janie Thompson had a very profound NDE, and when she came back, she found that spirits were communicating with her. Since she had no foundation or training for this sort of things, she did not know what to do about it, and it drover her into becoming a near hermit. Having that ability is NOT a blessing, as you now have an entire other dimension you have to content with, along with your regular, earthly life.
This is a fascinating testimony to listen to.
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